03 gum disease(国外英文资料).doc

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03 gum disease(国外英文资料)

03 gum disease(国外英文资料) Gum disease. TXT gets up every morning to see the Forbes rich list, and if it doesnt have my name, I go to work. Talking about money doesnt hurt feelings. I curse your buying instant noodles without getting flavoring bags. Gingival disease Gingival Diseases Chronic gingivitis An increase in gingivitis A pregnancy gingivitis The pregnancy of the gums The gingivitis Acute gum papillitis Drug gum hyperplasia The disease of gum fibrosis The gum disease of leukemia is damaged Acute multiple gums abscess Low gum tumour A necrotic ulcerative gum disease Vitamin C deficiency of gingivitis Chronic gingivitis Gingivitis Gingivitis is only associated with dental plaque Borderline Gingivitis Simple Gingivitis Simple Gingivitis A. no other local stimulant B. accompanied by local stimulant Prevalence is widespread The prevalence of children and adolescents is 70-90% Puberty peaks The cause of Plaque - initiating factor Dental rock, food embedded, bad repair body - local promotion factors Clinical pathology Initial lesion was initial lesion Time: 2-4 days Clinical: can be healthy gums Pathology: vasodilation, gingival sulcus fluid (GCF), white blood cells (mainly for the PMNs) bleeding from the wall to the combination of epithelium and gingival sulcus zone, inflammatory infiltration area accounts for about 5% of the connective tissue Early lesions early lesion Time: 4-7 days Clinical: the gums are red and swollen Pathology: angiogenesis expands. Mainly lymphocyte (about 75%), and neutrophils infiltrate, inflammation is 15%, collagen is destroyed, white blood cells devour bacteria, epithelium is stapled. Establish an established lesion Time: chronic gum inflammation Clinical: the gums are clearly inflamed, red and swollen, and the bleeding of the gingiva deepens Pathology: plasma cells (Page Schroeder), venous return, gum hypoxia, inflammation area loss of collagen, leukocyte infiltration, epithelial spikes significantly, but the epithelial attachment positi


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