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齿轮的加工工艺(国外英文资料) Process analysis of gear process analysis (2) on Sunday, Dec. 02, 2007 at 12:44 (1) process analysis Figure 9-17 shows a double gear, the material is 40Cr, the accuracy is 7-6-6, and its processing process is shown in table 9-6. From the table, the gear machining process to go through several stages roughly: blank heat treatment, gear blank processing, tooth profile machining, gear tooth, tooth surface heat treatment, fine benchmark correction and tooth profile machining and so on. The first stage of processing is the initial stage of the tooth billet entering the machine. Due to the transmission precision mainly depends on the tooth profile precision of gear and gear spacing distribution uniformity, which with the teeth in the precision of the positioning base (hole and face) has a direct relationship, so this stage is mainly for the next phase processing tooth preparation benchmark, make tooth inner hole and the precision of the end face of the basic meet the technical requirements. In this phase, besides working out the base, the processing of the secondary surface outside the tooth shape should also be done at the later stage of this stage. The second stage is tooth shape processing. For does not need hardening gear, generally speaking this stage is the end of the gear processing stage, after this stage should be completely conform to the requirements of the drawings of gear machining. For hardened gears, must work out in this stage can meet the required by the final finishing of tooth shape tooth profile accuracy, so at this stage of processing is a key stage for ensure the machining accuracy of gears. Special attention should be given. The third stage of processing is the heat treatment phase. In this phase, it is mainly used to quench the tooth surface to meet the required hardness requirement. The final stage of processing is the elaboration of the tooth form. The aim of this stage, the modified gear tooth deformation caused by after quenchin



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