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1、plot zones and gridpoint velocities directly, simply typeplot zone velocity2、plot line???????????????????color color????????????????????specifies the color of the line.?????????????????????on/off??turns line drawing for this option on or off.style?specifies the linestyle used.widthispecifies the width of the line. This value must bebetween 0 and 10. A value of 0 indicates the smallestpossible line (1 pixel).3、plot textNot all of the following keywords are available in all contexts.colorcolorspecifies which color the text will be drawn in.family?stringspecifies the name of the font family (for instance, “Ar-ial” or “Times New Roman”). (Note that underscoresmust be used in place of spaces in the name.)on/off?turns text drawing on or off.4、plot create plot Myplotplot text on textplot text??this is my plot;(怎样显示文字?不会)5、保存图片plot create plot GravV;plot cut add plane dip=90 dd=0 origin=3,4,0plot cut add plane??origin=119,90,110??nor 0 1 0plot set orient 120, 220, 0plot set center 45, 45, 0plot add zone plane behindplaneonplane offplot add bcontszzplot add axesplot post view GravV filename 103F1068plot post filename 721F01F3-fft-input.ps manualplot post view GravV filename GravV.ps manual?plot post plot Plot01 file 127F1017.ps manual上面保存的是.ps的图片,不容易打开,我知道用photoshop可以打开,麻烦。下面保存为bitmap图片:plot create plot GravVplot add zoneplot add geom location addlabel Polygon lightcyanplot set movieextension bmp;(bmp or jpeg/jpg/png/ppm/xbm/xpm);设置输出图片类型实际用时我用:plot set movieextension bmp或 plot set movieextensionpngplot bitmap filename GravV.png size 1024 768;输出图片,名为GravV.png,并控制大小??6、显示cad保存的.dxf多面图元在flac3d500中并在左面bar上加Polygon字样plot add geom location addlabel Polygon lightcyan7、切片plot cut add plane name string origin x y z nor x y zplot set movieextension bmp(or jpeg/jpg/png/ppm/xbm/xpm)plot cut add plane origin x y z nor x y z ;plot cut add plane origin 5100 -9460 -40 nor 1 0 08、显示不同破坏准则的模型单元体plotbcontour property propname young9、显示单元plot add selgeom10、按组显示单元体plot add zone colorby group?
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