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慢性间歇低氧对大鼠肾脏组织细胞形态和超微结构的影响来源:创新医学网  作者:邵川,鲁沈源,励雯静,隆玄  作者单位:复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸科,上海 200032  【摘要】目的探讨慢性间歇低氧(CIH)对肾脏组织细胞形态和超微结构的影响及其意义。方法采用自制的CIH动物舱,通过控制程序调节舱内氧气、氮气的输入流量,使得每1次缺氧循环时间为1 min,氧气浓度循环于7%~21%之间。将18只大鼠随机分成2组,每组9只,分别为对照组和CIH组。将CIH组置于动物舱给予间歇缺氧,每天8 h,持续35 d。对照组动物舱内输入空气,其余条件同CIH组。HE染色观察肾脏组织细胞形态,透射电镜观察肾近曲小管上皮细胞超微结构。结果 HE染色示对照组肾脏组织形态基本正常,CIH组肾小球高度肿胀,肾球囊狭窄,近曲小管上皮细胞高度肿胀,管腔狭窄。透射电镜观察发现对照组肾脏超微结构基本正常,CIH组肾近曲小管上皮细胞出现空泡变性、核膜肿胀和线粒体肿胀。结论 CIH导致肾脏组织细胞水肿变性和超微结构异常,可能与OSAHS引起肾脏损害有关。  【关键词】慢性间歇低氧;肾脏;组织细胞;超微结构;阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征  【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the influence of chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) on morphology and ultra-structure of renal tissue and its significance. Methods The oxygen and nitrogen input flow of the self-made CIH animal cabin could be adjusted through control procedures, so as to make sure the every hypoxic cycle lasted for 1 minute and the oxygen concentration within the cabin fluctuated between 7%~21%. 18 rats were randomly divided into control and CIH groups respectively with each of nine. Rats of CIH group were exposed to intermittent hypoxia in the cabin 8 hours per day for successive 35 days. Oxygen and nitrogen were replaced by air for rats of control group with other conditions being the same as CIH group. Tissue morphology of kidney was examined through HE dyeing and ultra-structures of proximal tubular cells were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Results HE staining showed the renal tissue morphology of control group was normal. While in CIH group, high degree of swelling of glomerulus and proximal tubule epithelial cells with narrowed kidney balloon and tubal lumen were observed. The renal ultra-structures of control group were normal. Empty bubble degeneration, nuclear membrane and mitochondria swelling were observed in proximal tubular cells of CIH group. Conclusions Edema and ultra-structural abnormalities are induced in renal tissue under the condition of CIH, which may be related with OSAHS associated renal injury.  【Key words】 Chron


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