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二、流水地貌 神农架国家级自然保护区内的流水地貌按其地表水流方式可分为坡面流水地貌、沟谷流水地貌及河谷流水地貌。 Shennongjia is also a big natural medicinal herbs library. It has more than two thousand kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, including musk(麝香), wait for rare JinChai(金钗), bear gallbladders(熊胆), drugs and head a bead(头顶一颗珠), the king a pen(文王一支笔), reaches the river a bowl of water (江边一碗水)and the rare herbs. 金钗 文王一支笔 麝香 江边一碗水 头顶一颗珠 The Former site of the Wuchang Uprising Military Government Guiyuan Temple This four-hundred-year-old Buddhist temple stands in a wooded area of the Hanyang district. The picturesque compound of the temple includes a huge hall that houses five hundred skillfully scrlptured arhat statues, each different from the other in bodily posture and facial expression -- sitting, sleeping, laughing, angry. The temple also boasts of a rich collection of stone carvings, paintings, and Buddhist scriptures. East Lake 73 square kilometers; Chinas biggest downtown lake ; Build in 1957, and is listed as one of the first national key scenic spot under the state council in 1982; 1999 awarded national civilized scenic area demonstration site“; 2000 “The AAAA-grade tour scenic spot” East Lake Walk along at the lakeside in SPRING Swimming in SUMMER Appreciating sweet laurel in AUTUMN Admiring snow in WINTER * Scenic spots HuBei province The Three Gorges Dam project is one of the most controversial international river issues. The dam would cross the Yangtze River, which is the third largest river in the world, at a point where the river is a mile wide. The 610 foot dam would create a 39 billion cubic meter reservoir that would stretch for 400 miles. Three Gorges Dam is not only the largest dam ever built, it is the largest construction undertaking. Yellow Crane Tower located on Snake Hill in Wuchang, the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the three most famous towers on the south bank of the Yangtze River. (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi) The Legend


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