lecture 2.翻译的标准.ppt

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lecture 2.翻译的标准

翻译的标准 刘 坚 宁波工程学院外国语学院 一、中国人的翻译标准观发展史 History of Argument:“案本---求真---神似---化境-多元论” 玄奘的“既须求真,又须喻俗” 严复“信、达、雅” 林语堂“忠、顺、美” 梁实秋、赵景琛“宁错务顺” 鲁迅“宁信不顺” 瞿秋白“信顺统一” 傅雷“形似神似” 钱钟书“入化境界” 辜正坤:多元互补 吕俊等:最高/低标准 杨晓荣:第三种状态:二元对立与第三种状态--关于翻译标准问题的哲学思考(外国语 年1999(3) ) 余光中“变通的艺术” “翻译如婚姻,是一种两相妥协的艺术。譬如英文译成中文,既不能西风压倒东风,变成洋腔洋调的中文,也不许东风压倒西风,变成油腔滑调的中文,则东西之间势必相互妥协,以求‘两全之计’。至于妥协到什么程度,以及哪一方应该多让一步,神而明之,变通之道,就要看每一位译者自己的修养了。” 二、国外的翻译标准观发展史 1、英国历史学教授泰特勒(A. F. Tytler)在18世纪提出的 翻译三原则: 1)That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容 2)That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. 译文的风格、笔调应与原文的性质相同 3)That the translation should have all the ease of the original composition. 译文应像原文一样流畅自然 2、其他外国学者及翻译家的学说 “等值论”:以前苏联的费道罗夫为代表的:“等值翻译就是表达的原文思想内容完全准确并在修辞上、作用上与原文完全一致。” “等效论”:奈达先生的“动态对等”(dynamic equivalence) 及“功能对等”(functional equivalence)学说,强调读者反应,即译文读者对译文所产生的反应与原文读者对原文所作出的反应基本一致。 “目的论”:翻译目的论( Skopos Theory) 是由德国译论家Hans Vermeer 发展起来的翻译理论模式,该理论基本上属于一种对翻译的外部研究,它将研究聚焦在翻译过程中各种目的的选择上,尤其是原作的目的与译者的目的及两者的协调以最终实现交际的目的 1.2 Basic Concepts of Skopostheorie .1.2.1 Skopos Skopos is a Greek word for “purpose”. According to Nord, the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose of the overall translation action. And as Vermeer puts it, quoting Hubbell’s translation of Cicero De inventione , “ genuine reasons for actions can always be formulated in terms of aims or statements of goals”. There are three possible kinds of purpose in the field of translation, including: the general purpose aimed at by the translation process, the communicative purpose aimed at by the target text in the target situation, the purpose aimed by a particular translation strategy or procedure. Besides the term Skopos, Vermeer uses the related words aim, purpose, intention and function. 1.2.2 Translation element According to the traditional theories , there are three primarily participants be considered , including the sour


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