英语必修4模块6第四课时Vocabulary..Everyday English.ppt

英语必修4模块6第四课时Vocabulary..Everyday English.ppt

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英语必修4模块6第四课时Vocabulary..Everyday English

4. disappear. Vi 不见,消失 disappearance n /u/ 消失 外:appear vi 出现 5.die out 灭绝,(风俗,习惯等)逐渐消失 The kind of tiger has already died out. Many old customs are dying out. 拓展: die away 减弱,淡化 die off 相继死去 外:out 含“全部消失”之意 e.g. wipe out 彻底消灭 , go/put out 熄灭, wear out 磨烂 耗尽,burn out 烧毁, clean out 彻底清除, run out 用光。 等 Pronunciation I’ll come straight to the point.我会开门见山的讲。 to the point 切题,中肯 【链接】 get to the point.说出正题,说到点子上。 beside/off the point 不切正题,无关紧要 be on the point of…正要··· 2. go for: 攻击, 争取, 喜欢, 对……适应, 卖得……价钱(in the second part of listening) The presidential candidates went for each other in the papers. 总统候选人在报纸上互相攻击。 2) What he said about you goes for me too. 他关于你的一番话也适应于我。 3) Jackson is going for his second gold medal here. 杰克逊正在争取他在这儿的第二块金牌。 4) Annie tends to go for older men. 安妮喜欢年龄较大的男人。 5) How much did that car go for? 那辆车卖了多少钱? 3.If you can adapt to something…situation better. P.55 adapt to…适应···· He adapt himself to his new life after he went to England.他去英国后,使自己适应了新生活。 adapt sb. to …使某人适应··· It’s easier for children than adults to adapt to new conditions.孩子比大人更容易适应新环境。 adaptable 适应性强的 Everyday English –1. Practice (5m) Guess the meaning of the following phrases and do the exercise. be back in the news throw light on come straight to the point almost overnight die out go for quite something Keys: A B A A B A B Everyday English If you throw light on something you make it easier to understand.如果你把某事阐明清楚的话,你就使它更容易理解。 【链接】 throw doubt on 对···产生怀疑,使人对···产生怀疑 throw a wet blanket on 消除别人的热情,破坏别人的享受 throw cold water on 泼冷水 throw daylight on 披露 外: cast light on 阐明 come to light 为人所知,暴露 bring sth to light 披露,揭发 Look at the words and phrases below and choose the best explanation. If something is back in the news it is ____. A. in the news again. B. not an important news story 2. If you throw light on something you ____. A. switch on alight


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