英语俗语词典 Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English.pdf

英语俗语词典 Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English.pdf

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英语俗语词典 Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English.pdf

The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English The Concise New Partridge presents, for the first time, all the slang terms from the New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English in a single volume. With over 60,000 entries from around the English-speaking world, the Concise gives you the language of beats, hipsters, Teddy Boys, mods and rockers, hippies, pimps, druggies, whores, punks, skinheads, ravers, surfers, Valley girls, dudes, pill-popping truck drivers, hackers, rappers and more. The Concise New Partridge is a spectacular resource infused with humour and learning – it’s rude, it’s delightful, and it’s a prize for anyone with a love of language. The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English Tom Dalzell (Senior Editor) and Terry Victor (Editor) CONTENTS List of contributors vii Preface ix Acknowledgements xiii Observations on slang and unconventional English xv Entries A to Z 1 Numeric slang 721 CONTRIBUTORS Dr Richard Allsopp, a native of Guyana, is Director of the of New Words and general editor of The Macquarie Book of Caribbean Lexicography Project and former Reader in Slang and The Macquarie Slang Dictionary. English Language and Linguistics, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados. He edited the Dictionary of John Loftus manages the online archive at www.hiberno Caribbean English Usage. . He was a senior research assistant on A Dictionary of Hiberno-English. Dr Dianne Bardsley is Manager of the New Zealand Dictionary Centre at Victoria University of Wellington. Her Lewis Poteet is a leading Canadian authority on slang and PhD involved the compilation and analysis of a rural New dialect. He has written extensively about language in Zealand English lexicon from the years 1842–2002. She Canada’s maritime provinces and edited Car Motorcycle was contributing editor for the New Zealand Oxford Slang, Hockey Talk, Plane Talk, Car Talk and Cop Talk. Dictionary and is currently lea


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