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200 200 英语四级语法220000条之时态练习题 1) After searching for half an hour, she realized that her glasses____on the table all the time. A) were lain B) had been lain C) are lying D) had been lying 2) By the time you get to Beijing tomorrow, I____for Shanghai. A) shall have left B) will leave C) am leaving D)have already left 3) I bought a new house last year, but I____my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A) didn't sell B) have not sold C) had not sold D) don't sell 4) Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they____better health. A) could have enjoyed B) have enjoyed C) have been enjoyed D)are enjoying 5) I decided to go to the library as soon as I____. A) finish what I did B) finished what I did C) finished what I was doing D)would finish what I was doing 6)Julia hadn't reached the restaurant when Jim____there. A)got B) has got C) had got D) had been 7) Even though they____for twenty years, the two neighbors are not on good terms. A) have been lived side by side B) had been living side by side C) have been side by side living D) have been living side by side 8) When the final grades were posted, Max____that he had passed the physics exam after all. A) discovers B) discovered C) had discovered D) has discovered 9)I____you the book as soon as possible, I promise you. A) would send B) will send C) sent D) send 10) We____down when she____plates of food for us. A) had hardly sat, had bought B) hardly sat, bought C) hardly sat, had bought D) had hardly sat, bought 11) When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone.____? A)swhereshave you been B)swhereshave you been to C)swheresdid you go D)swhereswere you 12) As my mother____here before, I went to meet her at the railway station. A)had never been B) has never been C) had been never D) never was 13) Our team____every match so far this year, but we still have three more games to pl


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