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第一学期期中模拟考试一(2011.3)(国外英文资料) The first semester of the 7th grade school of thought morality test (100 points, 60 minutes) Volume 1 (45 points for choice) One, the single item choice (in the following four choices of each item, only one is to match the idea the most. Please fill out the letter of the correct options before in 11 volumes of reading bar. Each item three, a total of 45 points) In order to establish the true friendship between students, we should pay attention to it Be honest, be equal, and be generous to others. To be a friend, to do everything for a friend is to draw a line between true friendship and the brotherhood of man and establish a pure friendship. A, A, A, and A President hu jintao visited the 66 middle school in urumqi city, and on the blackboard, he made the inscription on the blackboard. We should remember the chairmans inculcating instruction and do it today (1) knowledge, faith, love, respect teacher, (2), equal relationship between teachers and students with the teacher and the livelihood of the people (3) the initiative to communicate with the teacher, to improve the heart of the relationship between teachers and students (4) to obey all absolutely follow the teachers teaching A, A, A, A, and A Pride comes from ignorance, arrogance comes from ignorance, sunlight illuminates the world, knowledge illuminates life. Knowledge can improve moral character, knowledge can elevate the mental state, knowledge can cultivate the healthy personality A, A, A, A, A, A The famous educator pointed out: only when the young people learn not only to observe the world around them, but also to observe their own He can be a real person. This suggests that Its important to recognize your own importance and recognize the world around you It is impossible to truly know oneself by being concerned about yourself more than caring for other people The class as an important part of the development of the students is the cradle of students growth. The practice shows t


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