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The differences of Jury System NO1. connotation NO2. the qualification of the jurors NO3. Scope of application NO4. Jury selection NO5. the term of office of the jurors The differences of Jury System America: 是指特定人数的有选举权的公民参与决定是否起诉嫌犯、并对案件作出判决的制度。 China: 是中国的一项基本诉讼制度,是指国家审判机关吸收普通公民参与刑事、民事、行政案件审判的制度。 The differences of Jury System America: 从理论上讲,每个美国成年公民都有担任陪审员的资格。 但是不满21岁、不在本土居住、不通晓英语及听力有缺陷的人、有犯罪前科者,没有资格充当陪审团成员。 China: 中国公民;拥护宪法;满23周岁;品行良好、公道正派;身体健康;一般应具有大学专科以上文化程度。 人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员,人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关、国家安全机关、司法行政机关的工作人员和执业律师等人员,以及因犯罪受过刑事处罚的人员和被开除公职的人员,不得担任人民陪审员。 America: 经过以下程序 1 、法官从当地选民中随机挑选一定数量的人,写信询问是否可担任本案陪审员。 2 、问卷方式审查是否具备本案陪审员的资格。 3 、通过“二选”的人在指定时间接受“庭选法官对候选人提问之后要做出决定。 China: 通过一定程序的考核并经过权力机关的任命赋予陪审员以权力。 选任的人民陪审员要经过一定的法律专业知识培训。 在具体个案的审理时由法院从适格的陪审员名单中随机抽取确定。 America: Usually ,they’re “temporary workers” and are only involved in one case Have no wage China: The term of office is 5 years Wage :600—1000 per month 5. The witness 证人出庭制度 America: force the witness to testify in court. China: Under volitional control whether to appear in court as a witness. Non-mandatory. The qualification of witness America: no clear concept Anyone who can provide information relevant to the case in a litigation(诉讼)is called witness Including the litigant(当事人)and expert witness(专家证人) China: The third person except the subject of litigation(诉讼主体以外的第三人) Excluding the litigant and expert witness(鉴定人) * What?? Whats the difference between the American judicial system and the Chinese one ?? What’s the difference between the American judicial system and the Chinese one?? DIFFERENCE Between the lawyers Between the disposing of testimony Between the jury system Between the judge system Between the interview with witness Difference between the lawyers The difference between types The difference between rights The difference between professional requirements Types Lawyer in law office America Public lawyer Private lawyer America Public lawyer China Professional lawyer


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