第二单元 名词、代词、介词、连词和数词.ppt

第二单元 名词、代词、介词、连词和数词.ppt

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第二单元 名词、代词、介词、连词和数词

第二单元 名词,代词,介词,连词和数词 名词 名词的分类 (classification) 名词的数 (number) 名词属格 (genitive case) 名词的分类(classification) 按其意义分为专有名词( proper noun )和普通名词( common noun ) 按语法特征(可数性)分为可数名词(countable noun) 和不可数名词(uncountable noun) 按词形还可分为简单名词(simple noun)和复合名词(compound noun) 普通名词(common noun)可分为以下几种: 个体名词(individual noun) / 类名词(class noun) 集体名词(collective noun) 物质名词(material noun) 抽象名词(abstract noun) 名词的数(number) 英语的可数名词有单数(singular)和复数(plural)两种形式。 名词的复数形式有规则(regular)和不规则(irregular)两种 不可数名词计数要使用单位词(unit noun),如piece, bit 名词属格(genitive case) 名词属格又叫所有格(possessive case),表示所属关系,有两种形式: 一是在某些名词的词尾加-’s构成, (有-s或-es的复形名词只加-’) 二是由介词of加名词构成。 前者多用来表示有生命的东西;后者多用来表示无生命的东西。如: Tom’s mother the title of the book 名词属格所表示的关系 名词属格(包括’s属格和of属格) 可以表示所有、主谓、动宾、同位等关系: 1)表所有关系,如 Jack’s friend / the door of the room 2)表主谓关系,如 the guest’s arrival / his parents’ permission 3)表动宾关系,如 the prisoner’s release / the shooting of the animals 4)表同位关系(只用of属格),如 the city of Rome 双重属格(double genitive) of +-’s结构叫做双重属格,如 a friend of my father’s 被修饰的名词前常为不定冠词,不定代词,疑问代词,指示代词,如 a, an, this, that, these, those, every, many, some ,any, no, which, what等. 注意:of 后面只能接指人的名词 Examples : She is a friend of mine. That’s another mistake of yours. Which novel of Dickens’s are you going to read? Some bad habits of her son’s are hard to get rid of. 双重属格与of属格的不同 1) He is a friend of your husband’s. He is a friend of your husband. 2) a picture of her mother’s. a picture of her mother. 3) -- Who told you that? -- A friend of your father’s. -- If he says such things, he is not a friend of my father. 代词(pronoun) 代词可分为8种: 1. 人称代词 (personal pronoun) 如 I, you, her, us 2. 物主代词 (possessive pronoun) 如 his, your, ours, its 3. 反身代词 (reflexive pronoun) 如 myself, oneself, itself 4. 相互代词 (reciprocal pronoun) 如 each other, one another 5. 指示代词 (demonstrative pronoun) 如 this, that, such 6


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