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English for Mechanical Engineering 机械工程专业英语 CHAPTER 1 MATERIALS AND HOT WORK Work : Efficiency Mechanical Advantage Mechanical Advantage: Mechanical Advantage: mechanics [mi’k?niks] n. 机械学,力学. abbr. mech. modify [‘mCdifai] v. 修改,调解,变更 manageable [5mAnidVEbl] adj.可控制的、易处理的、便于管理的 incline [in5klain] vt. (使)倾斜 vi. 倾斜,倾向 n. 倾斜,斜坡,斜面 ramp [rAmp] n. 斜板,斜坡, 敲诈vi. 狂跳乱撞, 敲诈, 蔓延 vt.使有斜面, 敲诈 slope [slEup] n.斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜 v. (使)顺斜 ramp slope 斜坡坡度 friction [5frikFEn] n. 摩擦, 摩擦力 roll [5rEul] vt.滚动, 滚转, (使)摇摆, (使)摇晃, 卷起, 卷拢,辗, 轧 n.卷, 卷形物, 摇晃, 摆动, 名单 multiplier [5mQltiplaiE] n.放大器,乘法 broom [bru:m] n. 扫帚 [植]金雀花 vt. 扫除 broomcorn 高粱 broomrape 肉苁蓉 A new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火 convert [k[n5vE:t] n.皈依者 vt.使转变, 转换...,使...改变信仰 handle [5hAndl] n.手柄 vt.触摸, 运用, 买卖, 处理, 操作 n.[计]句柄 sweep [swi:p] v. 清扫, 席卷, 掠过,斜坡,斜面 efficiency [i5fiFEnsi] n. 效率,功效 efficient adj. efficiently adv. gauge [geIdV] v.测量,校验 n.标准尺, 规格, 量规, 量表 bearing [5bZEriN] n. 轴承, 关系, 方面, 意义, 方向 ideal mechanical advantage [[d5va:ntidV] 理想的机械效益 neglect [ni5glekt] vt.忽略,忽视 n. neglect of duty 疏于职守 negligible [5neglidVEbl] adj. 可以忽略的,不予重视的 Work is defined as force multiplied by the distance over which the force acts. Work is measured in metre-kilograms. A metre-kilogram equals the work done by a force of one kilogram acting through a distance of one metre. For example, if a work task involves lifting a 300 kilogram machine two and one half metres into a truck, then 750 metre kilograms of work is required. Since no humans can lift 300 kilograms directly, a device must be employed to modify the required effort into something manageable. A device that decreases the necessary applied force while increasing the distance over which the smaller force acts is called a force multiplier. Machines can also multiply speed and distance. A broom is an example of a speed and


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