牛津上海版高二第一学期Unit5 more reading课文解读.pptVIP

牛津上海版高二第一学期Unit5 more reading课文解读.ppt

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Oxford English SIIA Unit Five ---More Reading Wearable Technology Questions 1. How to understand the topic? 2. What kind of thing is wearable technology built into? 3. How could wearable technology help an athlete? 4. Why might doctors be interested in wearable technology? 5. What is a big difficulty with wearable technology? 1. wearable adj. 1) suitable to be worn 可以穿戴的;适宜穿戴的 2) capable of enduring continued use 耐用的 wearable shoes for the summer 适合夏天穿的鞋 wearable fabric 耐用的面料 wear v. wear sth out 使某事物用坏或耗尽 我旅行时穿坏了两双鞋。 I wore out two pairs of shoes while travelling. wear sb out 使某人精疲力竭或厌烦 我累坏了。 I was worn out. = I was ___________. =I was exhausted. tired out 2. performance n. 1)演出, 表演 2)表现,行为,成就 他在测验中做的不够好。 His performance in the test was not good enough. 她在竞赛中成绩优异获金牌。 She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest. perform v. 1)表演; 演奏 2)做, 执行, 履行 做实验 执行任务 履行义务 动手术 perform an experiment perform a task perform one’s duty perform an operation 3. monitor vt. 监控;监测 监测病人的脉搏 监督某人的表现/进步 monitor sbs performance/progress n. 监听器;监视器;监测器 monitor a patients pulse 4. measure v. 1) 测量 vt. measure sth 量门的宽度 measure the width of the door vi. (linking verb) sth measure … 这个池塘有两米宽。 The pond measures two meters wide. 2) vt. judge the importance, value or effect of sth 估量; 衡量; 判定 很难估计他的能力。 It’s hard to measure his ability. n. 1) 计量制; 量度法 A meter is a measure of length. 米是长度单位。 2) [C usu pl] 措施; 步骤; 办法 安全措施 采取措施做某事 take measures to do sth take steps to do sth take action to do sth safety measures 5. beat v. 1)(接连地)击打;规律性地拍击 击鼓 爸爸揍了我一顿。 雨水拍打在窗户上。 The rain beat against the windows. 2) defeat 打败;胜过 beat sb at sth 在…方面击败 Who can beat you at basketball? (beat, beaten) beat a drum Dad beat me. 3) vi. (指心脏)跳动 我的心跳得很快 My heart is beating fast. n. 敲击(声); 有规律敲打(声) 敲鼓的声音 心跳声 the beat of a drum a heartbeat 6. currently adv. 现在地;当下地 眼下他正在创作他的第一部小说。 He is currently working


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