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前列腺癌靶向基因治疗实验研究的最新进展 Recent advances in experiment and study of prostate cancer targeted therapy Dr. Song Xinping, DR. Song Haoyu 3D Urology and Prostate Clinic, Xiangtan, Hunan, 411100 摘要:近些年,前列腺癌的发病率逐年攀升,针对处于癌症进展期的病人,仍无行之有效的 治疗方法。正是由于对这些癌症无计可施,才催生了对更多治疗方法的摸索。经临床研究与 实践,基因治疗是目前治疗恶性肿瘤的最有前景的方法。对于前列腺癌,靶向基因治疗是较 为理想的治疗方法。然而,现阶段靶向基因治疗的技术并不成熟,缺乏安全、合适的载体便 是最为重要的难点。本文就靶向基因治疗的最新成果进行报告,诣在寻找安全可靠的基因载 体。 Abstract: In recent years, the incidence of prostatic cancer is on the rise year by year. There is still no effective treatment for progressive cancers. Therefore, more therapies have been investigated for these hard-to-treat cancers. The clinical studies and practice have demonstrated that gene therapy is the most promising method for malignant tumor. For prostatic cancer, targeted therapy is more desirable one. However, the current targeted gene therapies are not mature. The biggest challenge is to find safe and suitable vector. This study reported the most recent results of targeted gene therapy, aiming at identifying safe and reliable gene vector. 关键词:前列腺癌;靶向治疗;基因载体 Keywords: Prostatic cancer; targeted therapy; gene vector 前列腺癌在欧洲属于发病率极高的恶性肿瘤,而在我国虽然发病率并不高,但随着社会 的发展、生活水平的提高,前列腺癌的发病率逐年攀升,针对这一发展趋势应给予相应的重 视。而且,这一疾病发展至今,曾经有效的治疗方法如传统的放化疗、局限性手术治疗、标 准化内分泌治疗均起不到理想的治疗效果。由于缺乏对前列腺癌症行之有效的治疗方法,各 国医学家们纷纷探求不同的治疗模式,其中,靶向基因治疗的治疗效果最为可观,既可独立 治疗也可联合使用。然而,此项技术尚未成熟,仍有许多难点尚未攻破。缺乏安全有效的载 体便是最要紧的一个。 In Europe, prostatic cancer is a malignant tumor with high morbidity. In China, the incidence is not high. With the social development and improved life standard, however, the incidence of prostatic cancer is increasing year by year. More importance should be paid to this trend. The previously effective treatments such as traditional chemotherapy and radiotherapy, limited surgery and normalized endocrinotherapy fail to achie


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