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2010 3( 221) : 2010) 往复压缩机管线振动原因识别方法综述 1 1 2 , , ( 1() , 102249; 2, 100101) : 往复压缩机是石油化工冶金等行业的关键设备之一, 管线振动在压缩机工作中时有 生, 管线 剧烈振动严重影响安全生产, 研究管道振动原因及其消除措施非常有必要分析了引 压缩机管线振 动 3 个主要原因以及相对应的消振措施, 同时给出了管线的压力不均匀度气柱固有频率共振管长管 线固有频率的计算公式分析引 管线振动的原因, 最后得出了识别管线振动原因的方法 : ; ; ; : TH 457 : A In troduction of V ibration Cause Id en tification M ethod for R eciprocating Com presso r P ipeline 1 1 2 LIU Yungang , DUAN Li iang , YAO Ziyun ( 1M echanical and ElectricalEng ineering College of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China; 2PetroChina (Beij ing) GasP pi eline C , Ltd, Beij ing 100 10 1, China) A bstrac t: Reciprocating com pressor is a kind of key equ ipm en t in petrochem ical and m etallurgy industry. In the process of com pressor operation, p ipeline vibration occurred frequently, so it has a strong mi pact on safety pro duction. It is very necessary to research the causes and the correspond ing elmi inates vibration m ethods. Th is paper firstly analyzed threem ain causes of compressor pipeline vibration and correspond ing elmi ination vibration m ethods. Then com puting form ula for p ipeline press heterogeneous degree, gas colum n s natural frequency, reso nance tube length and p ipeline s natural frequency w as given. Finally, them ethods of causing pipeline vibration w ere put forw ard and them ethod of indentify ing pipeline vibration cause is obtained. K ey w ord s: reciprocating compressor; pipeline; vibration; natural frequency m easure


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