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对不起,先生,您能否告诉我怎么去最近的加油站?Excuse me, Sir, can you tell me how to get to the closest gas station? 借此机会提请您注意take this opportunity of drawing your attention to the fact that如果本信的签名人不在if the undersigned is unavailable您能找到足以使您感兴趣的商品you will find plenty to interest you请一定与我联系do please get in touch with me若您打电话,请找我或我的助理please speak to me personally or to my assistant请问李女士在吗?Is Ms Li available, please? 请稍等片刻。Hold on (a moment), please. 她什么时候回来?What time do you expect her back? 你下午在吗?Will you be in this afternoon? 我必须赶上下午三点钟的飞机,我不晚上走了。I’ve got to catch the three o’clock plane instead of the evening one. 你这些事需要帮忙吗?Would you like a hand with some things you’ve got to do? 因为一个车胎没气了。 because it has a flat tire. 我想知道它能不能打印高质量的有凹凸花纹的贺卡?What I’d like to know is can it deal with highquality embossed greeting cards?我想提醒您注意,我们的R75打印机具有最新激光驱动技术I’d like to draw your attention to the latest laser-driven technology which the R75 contains.我不想让人觉得我原则上不赞成工间休息…I do not want to sound as though Iam against breaks, in principle…我们刚买的家具看起来像旧的一样。The furniture we just boughtlooked as though they were old.我反对公司宣布破产的决定。I am against the company’s decision tofile bankruptcy.原则上我赞成两家公司的合并。In principle, I am for themerging of the twocompanies.无论他提出什么意见,总是有许多反对意见。There is always a lot of oppositionto whatever he proposes.我们无论如何都会支持你。We will support you in anycase.在公司里,不同级别的雇员在不同的食堂就餐不是好主意。Separating dinning roomsfor different grades of staffin the company is not agood idea.他今天在工作中受到批评,对此他反应强烈。He was criticized at his worktoday and he takes it strongly.我将于下星期四乘CK532航班到达。I’m coming in on flightCK532 next Thursday.我本想本月3日来的,但我不得不将行期延迟了将近一个月。I was hoping to comeon the third of themonth but I had topostpone my trip fornearly a month.他们能够省去将近1/3的生产时间。They’ve been able to cut theirproduction time by nearly a third.我一直在查看CK的案卷,看起来好像上个月我们开了两批T140货的账单,而不是一批货。I’ve been looking at thefile for CKs and itseems that as thoughwe were billing them fortwo batches of T140slast month instead ofone.它好像一个个妙主意的联络网,你设法记下你想出的这些主意和它们


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