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Errors Reported by the Stage 1 The general way that the Stage 1 handles errors is to print an error string and then halt. Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del will reboot. stage 1 处理错误的总体方式是打出一串错误信息并停止。这时按 CTRL-ALT-DEL 可以重启。 The following is a comprehensive list of error messages for the Stage 1: 以下是 stage 1 错误信息的完整列表: Hard Disk Error The stage2 or stage1.5 is being read from a hard disk, and the attempt to determine the size and geometry of the hard disk failed. 硬盘错误 在从硬盘读取 stage 2 或 stage 1.5 的时候,未能确定硬盘的容量和结构参数 Floppy Error The stage2 or stage1.5 is being read from a floppy disk, and the attempt to determine the size and geometry of the floppy disk failed. Its listed as a separate error since the probe sequence is different than for hard disks. 软盘错误 在从软盘读取 stage 2 或 stage 1.5 的时候,未能确定软盘的容量和结构参数。这个错误被单独列出是因为软盘的检测过程与硬盘不同。 Read Error A disk read error happened while trying to read the stage2 or stage1.5. 读取错误 当试图读取 stage 2 或 stage 1.5 的时候,发生磁盘读取错误。 Geom Error The location of the stage2 or stage1.5 is not in the portion of the disk supported directly by the BIOS read calls. This could occur because the BIOS translated geometry has been changed by the user or the disk is moved to another machine or controller after installation, or GRUB was not installed using itself (if it was, the Stage 2 version of this error would have been seen during that process and it would not have completed the install). 物理错误 stage 2 或 stage 1.5 的位置不在能被 BIOS 读调用直接支持的磁盘区域。这可以是因为 BIOS 转换过来的结构参数已经被用户改变,或者在安装后磁盘被移动到另一台机器或另一个控制器上,或者 GRUB 不是 GRUB 自己安装的(如果是的话,这个错误的 stage 2 版本应该在安装过程中就已经出现并且不可能完成安装)。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Errors Reported by the Stage 1.5 The general way that the Stage 1.5 handles errors is to print an error number in the form Error: and then halt. Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del will reboot. The error numbers correspond to the Errors Reported by the Stage 2 in the listed sequence. 参见Stage 2信息 --------------------------------------------------


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