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36 1 V o l. 36 No. 1
2009 1 Computer Science J an. 2009
( 广西师范大学计算机科学系 桂林541004
提出一种二值图像边界矢量化算法, 实现从图像到图形的自动转换先通过边界跟踪算法获 二值图像的
边界, 并利用SU SA N 方法计算出边界上的角点, 根据距离关系计算角点间的普通控制点, 最后运用角点和这些普通
控制点的3 次 B 样条曲线拟合边界实验结果表明算法有效实现了图像矢量化, 解决了边界矢量化问题, 具有较强的
边界, 矢量化, 控制点, 角点
T P391 A
Control Point Based Algorithm of Boundary Vectorization in a Bi nary Image
ZH A NG Xian- quan T A N G Zhen-jun W A NG J-i jun
( D epart ment of C om put er Sci ence , Guan gx i N orm al U ni versit y , Guilin 54 1004, China
Abstract We pr oposed an algo rit hm of bo undary v ecto rization fo r binar y imag es, w hich can conver t an imag e into a
gr aphic. T he bo undary t racing algo rithm w as ex plo ited to extr act the boundar y of a binar y image, and the SU SA N app-
ro ach w as also applied to det ecting the co rners on the boundary . I n o rder to appr ox imate the image boundar y, the co n-
t rol po int s bet w een tw o adj acent co rners w er e deter mined by t heir off set distances . T he cubic B- Spline cur ve w as u sed to
f it the bo undary . T he ex per iment al results sho w that the pro posed algo rithm can convert a binary imag e into a g raphic
and solve thepr oblem of boundar y v ecto rization . It is pr act ical.
Keywords Boundary , V ector izat ion , Contr ol po int , Cor ner
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