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2011年9月23日 Chinese-English Dictionary of Public Signs 公示语规范汉英辞典大全 深圳市人民政府外事办公室、深圳市翻译协会 编制 各类中餐菜单/中式饭菜单翻译标准英语 主食谱 Staple Foods 煮饭 Cooked Rice 蒸饭 Steamed Rice 炒饭 Fried Rice 菜饭 Vegetable Rice 蛋炒饭 Fried Rice with Eggs 扬州炒饭 Fried Rice with Eggs Prawns 盖浇饭 Rice Served with Meat Vegetables 什锦烩饭 Mix-meat Risotto 鸡汤泡饭 Shredded Chicken with Rice in Soup 肠粉 Rice Noodle Roll 米粉、米线 Rice-Noodles 炒米粉 Soft Cooked Rice Noodles 馒头 Steamed Bread 炸馒头 Deep Fried Steamed Bread 烤馒头 Baked Steamed Bread 花卷 Steamed Roll/ Steamed Twisted Roll 包子 Steamed Stuffed Bun 菜包 Green Vegetable Bun 肉包子 Meat Bun 水晶包 Steamed Bun with Sugar Pork Fat 糖包 Steamed Bun with Sugar Stuffing 小笼包子 Small Steamed Meat Bun/ Small Steamed Meat Dumpling 烧卖 Shaomai/ Steamed Dumpling with the Dough Gathered at the Top 蟹黄烧卖 Crab Shaomai 窝窝头 Steamed Corn Bread 玉米饽饽 Flapjack 馅饼 Meat Pie 酥饼 Shortcake 烧饼、火烧 Baked Wheat Cake 千层饼 Multi-layer Steamed Bread 煎饼 Pan Cake with Deep Fried Dough Cake Soy Sauce Stuffing 油饼 Deep-fried Dough Cake 猪肉水饺 Boiled Pork Dumpling 虾饺 Shrimp Dumpling 馄饨 Chinese Flour Dumplings/ Wonton/ Dumplings in Soup 猪肉馄饨 Pork Wonton 虾仁馄饨 Shrimp Wonton 面疙瘩 Dough Slices in Soup 春卷 Spring Roll 炸春卷 Fried Spring Roll 面条 Noodles 煮面 Stewed Noodles 汤面 Noodles in Soup 牛肉面 Beef Noodles 虾仁面 Shrimp Noodles 打卤面 Noodles with Sauce 炸酱面 Noodles with Pork Mince Soy Bean Sauce 凉拌面 Cool Braised Noodles Mixed with Sauce 方便面、速食面 Instant Noodles 扬州炒面 Assorted Meat with Fried Noodles 蒸糕 Steamed Cake 炒年糕 Saute Glutinous Rice Flour Cake 珍珠麻团 Pearl-shaped Balls of Glutinous Rice 棕子 Pyramid-shaped Glutinous Rice Dumpling (Wrapped in Reed Leaves) 粥 Gruel/ Porridge/ Congee 糯米粥 Glutinous Rice Congee 玉米粥 Maize Gruel 皮蛋粥 Minced Preserved Egg with Rice Gruel 中餐菜谱 Menus of Chinese Food 东坡肉 Stewed Pork in Dongpo Style 回锅肉 Stir-fried Boiled Pork Slices in Chilli Sauce/Twice-cooked Pork 咕噜肉/古老肉 Sweet Sour Pork 粉蒸排骨 Steamed Spareribs with Rice Flour 水晶肘子 Pork Leg Jelly 焖牛肉 Pot Roast Beef 咖啡牛肉 Fried Curry Beef/ Curried Beef Stew/ Beef Curry 红烧牛


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