名师指津2016届高三英语二轮复习 第一部分 阅读理解 综合训练课件.ppt

名师指津2016届高三英语二轮复习 第一部分 阅读理解 综合训练课件.ppt

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18. C 由后句also promote fast food以及后文可知,“媒体提供娱乐和信息”。 故选C项。 19. F 由后句“be harmful to people who suffer from breathing difficulties”以及后面的“passive smoking is unavoidable”可知选F项。(词语复现) 20. G 由后句中的if he/she is motivated enough不难知道选G。(词语复现) 助读强化 factor n. 因素 influence n. 影响leisure adj. 休闲的 major adj. 主要的traditional adj. 传统的 pursuit n. 追求 unfortunately adv. 不幸地 convenient adj. 方便的 audience n. 观众 fashionable adj. 时髦的 be expected to 被期待做某事 take on responsibility 承担起责任 附加 本文主要介绍了环保事业的未来是光明的,开发新的资源可能创造绿领工作。 21. G 第一句已经告诉我们环保的产品和服务正在创造着绿领工作,因为能源节约的产品和服务已经被世界上许多国家意识到是重要的和必要的。 22. D 该空位于段首,从篇章结构来分析属于主题句,根据下一句And jobs will pop up at every income level, from environmental manager to gardener.以及再下一句所举的例子可知,这一段主要讲的是绿领工作会给各行各业带来更多的机会。 23. F 上文已经提到化石燃料给环境带来负面的影响,甚至给人类带来严重的危险,因此下一段肯定要有解决的方案,即探索一种更好的方法来找出可替代物去满足需求。 24. A 本空位于段首,根据后面的句子里所提供的find, search, look for等动词,都是跟找工作有关,在哪可以找到工作(绿领工作)?接下来告诉你可以在网上找。 25. E 整段都在讲在哪可以找到绿领工作,因此除了在网上可查找,也可以通过报纸找到不同种类的绿领工作。 * 练 综 合 训 (四选一+七选五) A 1. According to the passage, in Victorian Times, women ____. A. liked travelling around the world B. were independent in work and life C. seldom went to public places alone D. were competitive to race against others C 推理判断题。根据第二段“And in Victorian times women rarely went to the store alone, let alone to Ceylon.”可知那个时期的女人是很少独自一人去公共场所的。 2. What do we know about the race from the passage? A. Nellie Bly won the race in the end. B. The two women raced in the opposite direction. C. The two women made their way mainly on trains. D. Many other women wanted to compete in the race. B 事实细节题。根据第三段中“Bly, an energetic newspaperwoman who exposed evil wherever she found it, headed east. Bisland, a magazine journalist who preferred the classics, headed west.”可知她们是向相反的方向出发。 3. What can we infer from the passage? A. It would be boring to read the 400book. B. The author has never written other nonfiction books. C. The author can picture the 19th century to the



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