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天津市蓟县2015-2016学年高一英语下学期期中试题(扫描版) 蓟县2015—2016学年度第二学期期中检测试卷 高一英语 听力 1--5 ACCCB 6--8 CAC 9--11 CCB 12--15 CBCC 单选 16-20ADCAA 21-25ADBCD 26-30BDBBD 完型 31-35 DBACA 36-40 BCDDC 41-45BAACB 46-50ABADA 阅读理解 51-55CDCDA 55-60BCDAC 61-65 CCCAD 阅读表达: 66. Why should girls play sports. /Reasons why girls should play sports (take exercise) 67.(1) Improve learning (2) Improve memory (3) Improve concentration 68.Because sports can help me keep fit and maintain a healthy weight.(Answers may vary) 69.Sports . 70.The brain chemicals released and the friends made during exerxise . 第二节 书面表达 It is reported in Tianjin Daily that a big supermarket has made a decision that in order to reduce white pollution,the supermarket will no longer provide customers with free plastic bags. In my opinion , the decision will have both positive and negative effects. As is known,people throw away used plastic bags wherever they want to and the white garbage is becoming a danger to people?s life. To solve this problem,I think the supermarket can provide paper bags or that the customers should be encouraged to bring along bags of their own. But what I want to point out is that stopping providing plastic bags is far from the best way to protect the earth from the white pollution. It’s not until everyone understands the importance of looking after the environment that the world will be really clean. 附加题答案 1、E 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、D Ⅱ. 1. 面临 2. 丰满,肥胖的 3. 复制品 4. 理解,领会 5. 不出声的说话;默读 Ⅲ. 1. They brought the project to an end last month./ come to an end / finish... 2. The government provided food and houses for those who were homeless. 3. My uncle hasn’t been able to quit smoking, but at least he has cut down. 4. Take this camera with you, if necessary. 5. I don’t feel equal to doing the job. 附听力稿 Text 1 M: Did you spend Saturday with your parents at home? W: No, I wanted to relax, so I went to the cinema, but then I cried all through the movie. Text 2 W:There


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