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高考英语写作形副词精选1 1.abundant adj.丰富的:充裕的 ~in natural resources自然资源丰富 Urban citizens enjoy a great number of advantages including~job opportunity,fine public facilities,high education level and good living conditions.城市居民享有很多好处_:充分的就业机会, 完善的公共设施, 高水平的教育和优质的居住环境。 2.undeniable 不可否认的 搭配:an ~ ability 无可争辩的能力 It is ~ that….不可否认的是…. 例句:It is ~ that the aid from developed countries is of great benefit to the common people in poor countries . 不可否认,发达国家的援助对贫困国家的民众有很大的帮助。 3. domestic adj.家庭的;国内的 搭配:~~animal家畜 ~goods国货 ~jobs家务活 ~troubles家庭纠纷 ~violence家庭暴力 例句:Every country, no matter how small or poor it is has the right to handle its~ affairs without being influenced by any outside intervention. 每个国家无论多小或多穷,都有权在没有任何外力干涉的情况下处理国内事务. 4.vain 无价值的;无效的;爱虚荣的 搭配:a ~ attempt 无用的尝试 a ~ promise 空头许诺 as ~ as a peacock 像孔雀般的炫耀 for ~ 徒劳地、徒然 in ~ 徒劳、白费力 例句:All our work was in ~ . 我们白干了一场。 5.available adj.可利用的 for export可供出口的 be~for use可加以利用的 The university is trying make more accommodation ~ for students.该犬学在设法为学生提供更多的住处。 6.theoretical 理论的 搭配:a~approach 理论研究法 a brilliant ~physicist 杰出的理论物理学家 例句:Some people think that ~knowledge should be given priority to in college education while others suggest that more practical skills be taught .有人认为大学教育应该注重理论性知识,而有些人则建议传授更多的实用性知识。 7.beneficial adj.有益的; 有使用权的 搭配:~birds益鸟~insects益虫~hobby有益的爱好be~to有益干 例句:Raising pets is~and joyful.养宠物既有益又有趣。 8.considerate a. 雕考虑周到的;关切的;体贴的 搭配:~behavior体贴的行为be~of other peoples feelings体谅他人的感情 例句:Young people should take the responsibility of being to elderly people.年轻人应该承担起照顾老年人的责任。 9.essential 基本的, 提炼的, 精华的 n.本质, 实质, 要素, 要点基本的;必不可少的 搭配:~differences本质的区别 ~goods必需品 be~to必需 例句:A marriage based on romantic love alone will not last long,for a sense of responsibility is most~ to a successful marriage.只基于浪漫爱情的婚姻不会持久.因为责任感对成功的婚姻来说才是最重要的。 10.biological a.生物学的 搭配:~clock生物钟~products生物产品~traits生物特征a~warfare生物战;细菌战 例句:The~laboratory undertakes the ~highest level of creative researc



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