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第 21 卷 第 5 期 岩 土 工 程 学 报 Vol . 21 No . 5
1999 年 9 月 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Sept . , 1999
寒区隧道温度场 、渗流场和应力场
Nonline ar analy se s for the couple problem of t emp erature ,
se ep a ge and stre s s field s in cold re gion tunnel s
赖远明 吴紫汪 朱元林 朱林楠
( 中国科学院兰州冰川冻土研究所冻土工程国家重点实验室 ,兰州 ,730000)
文 摘 首先根据传热学 、渗流理论及冻土力学提出了带相变的温度场 、渗流场和应力场耦合问题的数学力学模型及其控制方程 。
然后应用伽辽金法导出了这一问题的有限元计算公式 。最后给出了一寒区隧道考虑渗流和冻胀时的温度场和应力场算例 。算例
表明冻胀力对隧道衬砌应力的影响很大 ,应充分考虑这一因素的影响 。
关键词 寒区隧道 ,温度场 ,渗流场 ,应力场 ,耦合问题
中图分类号 TU 445
作者简介 赖远明 ,男 ,1962 年生 ,兰州铁道学院土木工程系教授 ,中科院兰州冰川冻土研究所冻土工程国家重点实验室在职博士
生 。主要从事岩土工程和结构工程方面的科研和教学工作 。
L ai Yuanming Wu Ziwang Zhu Yuanlin Zhu L innan
(State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering , Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Lanzhou , 730000)
Ab stract In this p ap er , a mathematical mechanical model and the governing differential equation of the coupled problem of temp erature , seep ap e
and stress fields with p hase change are first derived from the theory of heat transfer , the theory of seep age and frozen soil mechanics . Then the fi
nite element formulae of this problem are obtained from Galerkin ′s method . Finally , an illustrative example of the temp erature field and stress field
in a cold regions tunnel , considering the seep age and frostheaving force influence , is provided . The example shows that the influence of frost
heaving forces on the stresses of the tunnel lining is very large and , thus , the effect of this factor on the tunnel lining should be taken into account
in the engineering design .
Key word s tunnel in cold regions , temp erature field , seep