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35 2 ( ) Vol. 35 No. 2
2007 2 Journal of Northw est A F U niversity ( Nat. S i. Ed. ) Feb. 2007
邓国华, 邵生俊, 程新星
( , 710048)
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, , 1. 75, ,
; 1. 5 m ,
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[ ] 443; 413. 6 2 [ ] [ ] 1671-9387( 2007) 02-0220-05
T U T u A
Field st udy and analysis of reinforced
eart h wall for expansive soils
- , - , -
DENG Guo hua SHAO Sheng jun CHENG Xin x ing
( I nsi titut e of Geotech nical E ng ineer ing , X ian Univ ers ity of T echnol ogy ,X ian, Shaanx i 7 10048, China)
Abs tract : The field tests have been done in order to study fa tors w hi h affe t the stability of
reinfor ed earth w all. T he results show that earth pressure in reases qui kly and verti al earth pressure in
situ is greater than soil w eight of unit area and oeffi ient of earth pr essure is gr adually enhan ed w hen the
. ,
filling height is low Along w ith the in rease of filling height verti al earth pressure is onvergent and less
. .
than soil w eight of unit area In the mean time oeffi ient of earth pressure is gradually de reased T he
rainfall de r eases verti al earth pressur