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一个投资者的成长——读巴菲特的信   最近正在读巴菲特给股东的信,从1957开始。当时巴菲特还只是一个27岁的青年投资者,仅有两年正式的职业投资经验。1954-1956年,巴菲特曾经在格雷厄姆的投资公司工作。在那之前,巴菲特提出免费给格雷厄姆工作,但遭到了拒绝。他给股东的信忠实的记录了一个投资者成长的历程。 ? ?  在1957-1961年的信中,有几段话吸引了我的注意: ? ?  基金的目标 ? ?  “My continual objective in managing partnership funds is to achieve along-term performance record superior to that of the Industrial Average. I believe this Average, over a period of years, will more orless parallel the results of leading investment companies. Unless we do achieve this superior performance there is no reason for existence of the partnerships.” ? ?  “我管理合伙基金的一贯目标是取得优于道琼斯工业平均指数的长期业绩。我坚信这一平均指数在长期将与领先的投资公司的业绩相类似。除非我们取得这样优异的业绩,否则我们的合伙基金没有理由存在下去。” ?   (1960年给合伙人的信) ?   巴菲特最初的目标是长期业绩超越指数。这个目标至今没有改变。 ? ?  如何获得超越市场的业绩 ?   “However,I have pointed out that any superior record which we might accomplish should not be expected to be evidenced by a relatively constant advantage in performance compared to the Average. Rather it is likely that if such an advantage is achieved, it will be through better-than-average performance in stable or declining markets and average, or perhaps even poorer- than-average performance in rising markets.” ?  “但是,我曾经指出,即使我们可能取得优秀的业绩,这也不能证明我们能保持相对稳定的对道琼斯工业平均指数的优势。如果我们获得优势,也是通过在平稳或下跌市场中超出平均的业绩,在上涨的市场中获得平均业绩,甚至有可能是逊于平均的业绩而达到。” (1960年给合伙人的信) ??  巴菲特告诉自己的合伙人,自己超越市场不是持续稳定的超越,具有稳定的优势,而是在市场不好时超越,在市场狂热时表现一般,甚至逊色。换句话说,战胜市场不是多赢,而是少输。  ? ?   衡量业绩的标准 ? ?  “I believe in establishing yardsticks prior to the act; retrospectively, almost anything can be made to look good in relation to something or other. ?   I have continuously used the Dow-Jones Industrial Average as our measure of par. It is my feeling that three years is a very minimal test of performance, and the best test consists of a period at least that long where the terminal level of the Dow is reasonably close to the initial level. ?   While the Dow is not perfect (nor is anything else) as a measure of performance, it has the advantage of being widely known, has a long period of conti


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