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词义的引申(Extension/ Stretching of the meaning);引申的方法;;;?1.2?? 将带有特征性形象的词译为该形象所代表的概念的词;2.将词义作具体化的引伸 ;;;II. 词义搭配和照应;;词义的选择 ; ;;;附:C-E translation;词义的选择受不同因素的制约,主要有以下几种情况;1.词义搭配;;再如“take (off)这一动词;he also had been demanding the all Irishmen living in Britain be required to carry identity cards. their sexual identity, like that of all women competitors, had been officially confirmed by the Olympic femininity control clinic 她们的性别鉴定 lee has again and again stressed the need for his tiny nation to develop its own Singaporean --as opposed to Chinese-- identity。 ...发展自己的新加坡人的特点,以有别于中国人。 In Poland, loyalty to the church became the only means of defending national identity 效忠教会成为保护民族意识的唯一手段.;2. 词的语法特性;;(1)词性不同,词义有别;(2)名词的单复数、可数不可数引起词义改变;(3)普通名词和抽象名词意义的转变;3. 词的专业色彩;;词义引申 一.具体—抽象? (具体含义的引申);一.具体—抽象? (具体含义的引申) 遗憾的是,我们的呼吁没有得到响应。 这种行为是各国公认的强盗行为。 在战争中,他是一个初出茅庐的外科医生,参加了巡回医疗队。 我不是那种让感情支配理智的人。 激光在医学中的应用仍处于发展的初期。 参加婚礼的有波士顿社会名流,赫华德想到这次婚礼时仍然感到非常得意。 机器的发明使世界进入了一个新纪元即工业时代,金钱成了一切的主宰。 我几乎是苦苦哀求,但他依然拒绝。 这个消息我只是间接听来的,所以并不完全相信。所以只是半信半疑 我一定要和人说说心里话,否则我就会发疯了! ;The two sisters were usually in agreement on most issues, but they were at swords’ point on the matter of abortion. The matter was finally settled under the table. I have no head for music. Please don’t wake a sleeping dog. If you dare to play the fox with me, I’ll shoot you at once. Words once reserved for rest-room walls are now common stuff in films, plays, books and even on television. I hope this concession of ours will set the ball rolling. Sometimes, walking the street at night, I’ve been so desperate that I’ve made up my mind to win the horse or lose the saddle. Why are you rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off? He gets up very early and sits up very late and is burning the candle at both ends.;在很多问题上姐妹俩的意见通常是一致的,但在人工流产问题上,他们是有激烈的争执的。 事情终于私下解决了。 我没有音乐方面的天赋。 请不要惹事生非。 你要是敢对我耍滑头,我马上毙了你。 曾经是不登大雅之堂的言语,如今充斥于电影、戏剧、书籍之中,甚至充斥在电视上。 我希望我方这一让步能打开局面。 有时候,我晚上行走在大街上,感到自己已到了山穷水尽的地步,只好横下心去冒险了。 你这样急急忙忙没头没脑去干什么? 他早起晚睡,精力迅速消耗。 ;I’d love to go


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