chap与ter 9 Binary Tree and General Tree.ppt

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chap与ter 9 Binary Tree and General Tree

Chapter 9;Overview;Learning Objectives;Learning Objectives;Learning Objectives;9.1.1 Components Structure;A binary tree consists of nodes and branches. A node is a place in the tree where data is stored. There is a special node called the root. “starting point” of the tree. The nodes are connected to each other by branches. A left branch or right branch.;Binary means that there are at most two choices. A node is said to have at most two children. A node that does not have any children is called a leaf. Non-leaf nodes are called internal nodes. ;Parents and children Siblings Grandparents and progeniture There is a single path from any node to any other node in the tree. ;9.1.1 Components Structure;Structure Two binary trees with the same number of nodes may not have the same structure.;Depth is the distance from the root. Nodes at the same depth are said to be at the same level, with the root being at level zero. The height of a tree is the maximum level (or depth) at which there is a node.;Degree Degree of a node: the number of the branch down away from the node Degree of a tree: the maximum degree of the nodes in the tree n0=n2+1 The number of the leaves equals to the number of the nodes of degree 2 plus 1.;9.1.1 Components Structure;(a) first three are strictly binary, but the fourth is not.;At level i, there can be at most 2i nodes. Maximum number of nodes over all the levels. ;9.1.2 Position as Meaning;9.1.2 Position as Meaning;9.1.2 Position as Meaning;9.1.3 Recursive Definitions;1、空二叉树 2、只有根结点 3、左子树不空 4、右子树不空 5、左右子树都不空;9.1.3 Recursive Definitions;9.2 Binary Tree Traversals;9.2 Binary Tree Traversals;9.2 Binary Tree Traversals;A;9.2 Binary Tree Traversals;9.2 Binary Tree Traversals;9.2 Binary Tree Traversals;9.3 A Binary Tree Class;9.3 A Binary Tree Class;;A;Linked Binary Tree;;9.3 A Binary Tree Class;结点计数;高度计数;叶子结点删除(以二叉链表为存储结构);输出各结点层次;○;Non_recursive Inorder traversal;Non_recursive inorder traversal;Level traversal;;;9.4 Storing and Recreating a Binary T


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