Lect与ure 4 Practical writing 英语应用文写作.ppt

Lect与ure 4 Practical writing 英语应用文写作.ppt

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Lect与ure 4 Practical writing 英语应用文写作

第八部分 应用文写作 ; (5)称呼是为了表达对收信人的致意,通常写在收信人姓名和地址的下面1-2行处,并与之齐头。称呼后面美国一般用,但英国常用:。 (6)在写给要好的朋友或亲属的私人信中,一般直呼名字即可。而较正式的信中,要用收信人的姓氏加_L他的职务或Mr. / Mrs. / Miss/MS. 另外,在称呼前,常常加Dear等表达亲切感的形容词。正式函件中常用的称呼是:对于男子,单数用Sir, Dear Sir, My Dear Sir;复数常用Dear Sirs或Gentlemen,其中Gentlemen一词总是以复数出现,前面不能冠以Dear。对于女子,单数用Madam, Dear Madam, My Dear Madam, 复数Mesdames, Dear Mesdames。 (7)正文是信件的主体部分,包含写信人所要传达的内容。一般来讲,私人信件较为随意,而正式信件的语言要得体一些。 (8)结束语要根据写信人与收信人的亲疏关系、书信目的和内容来选择,注意文明、礼貌,达意得体。通常结语的第一个字母要大写,末尾用逗号与署名分开。 (9)署名位于书信最后一页的右下角。在较正式的信件中,常置于结语与打印的姓名之间,有时候在打印的姓名之后还有写信人的职务等内容。署全名与否也视信件正式程度而定。 注:由于大纲规定不能写地址,所以本文书信中的地址均省略了。;英语信件的写作要求 ;英语书信的分类;英语书信的基本格式 一、正式信件(公事信件);二、非正式信件(私人信件);英语书信的基本常识;英语书信常用语 ;二、结束语 Looking forward to a prompt reply. Please do not fail to write to me. I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience. As the season grows colder, I hope you will take good care of yourself. With kind regards to your family. Pray give my best remembrances to Mr. Brown. My parents ask also to add their best thanks to mine. I thank you for the trouble you have taken. Hoping you will have a pleasant trip. ;三、社交用语 I am very grateful for your kindness in permitting me to... Should an interview be desired, I shall be happy to call at any hour you may appoint. I have some important business matter to communicate to you. Anything further will be discussed when we meet. I regret that a prior engagement will prevent me from a tending. I thank you for your kind entertainment last evening. I shall have great pleasure in accepting your invitation. Accept my thanks for our handsome present. ;四、祝愿语 Pray accept my best and sincerest wishes for the New Year. Presenting the compliments of the season. With every good wish. Pray allow me to congratulate you most heartily on your success in your examination. I am glad to hear that you were appointed..., on which I congratulate you most heartily. I congratulate you upon your success. I wish


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