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PAGE PAGE 7 我国传统文化产品市场开发存在的问题与对策研究 ——以南京云锦为例 公共事业管理专业学生 刘东亮 指导教师 陈叶 摘要:根据对中国传统文化产品在国际市场上的现状的分析,认为导致中国文化传统产品低品质和低价位的原因是设计陈旧、做工粗糙、销售渠道僵化等,要提高中国传统文化产品市场覆盖面,必须使文化产品商品化,仿古文化产品应力求精致化,反映中国古代文化及工艺水平,通过中国传统文化产品的推广彰显中国多元文化的丰富文化特质,达到弘扬中国传统文化的目的。本文以南京云锦为例,详细分析了传统文化产品的市场开发、经营及其未来的发展前景的研究中,充分运用所学的管理学、艺术设计等相关理论知识,对云锦在保护方法、产品设计、经营方式、市场定位及政府的相关政策的扶持等方面提出一些自身的看法与建议,以此为传统文化产业未来的保护、经营及其发展提供借鉴。 关键词:传统文化产品;市场开发;南京云锦; The Problems of Chinas Traditional Cultural Products and the Countermeasures——As an example of Nanjing Cloud Brocade Student majoring in Public Administration LIU Dongliang Tutor CHEN Ye Abstract: According to the analysis of the current situation of Chinese traditional culture products in the international market, the paper holds that the reasons for the poor quality and low price of these products are obsolete design, poor workmanship and ossified marketing channels. In order to expand the covering area of Chinese traditional cultural products, it is urgent to commercialize the cultural products, make the replica of traditional cultural products exquiste, with the popularization of Chinese traditional cultural products, the rich cultural features of Chinese multiple culture can be displayed, and then Chinese forward. Taking Nanjing Cloud Brocade for example, this article detailedly analyzes the market development, operation and prospect of the traditional cultural products, makes full use of the knowledge of management art design and other relevant theories, and finally gives some opinions and suggestions on the protecting method, product design, operation, market position and the government’s supporting policy of cloud brocade. Such as their own views and recommendations as a traditional cultural industries of the future protection, management and development of reference. Key words: Traditional Cultural Products, Countermeasures, Nanjing Cloud Brocade 随着社会的进步和经济的发展,文化产业的竞争日趋激烈。外国的一些文化产业不断的涌向国内市场,并占据中国很大的市场,在与国外文化产业的竞争中,我国的传统文


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