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商务英语 Business English 教材 马龙海,李毅,商务英语视听说,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2011. 考核方式 平时成绩 30% 期末成绩 70% 期末考核形式:待定 Unit 2 Making Inquiries Contents Inquiries An inquiry is a request for information on the supply of certain goods. 询盘是买方针对特定的商品向卖方做出的询问。 In international trade,an inquiry is usually made by a prospective buyer without engagement.He/She may send an inquiry to a seller inviting a quotation or simply asking for some general information concerning the goods in which he/she takes interest. 在国际贸易中,询盘通常是没有约束力的。买方可以请卖方对他/她感兴趣的商品进行报价,也可以只是征询一些普通信息。 Synopsis Word Tips Viewing Script Script Exercises Unit 3 Placing an Order Contents Orders After the exchanges between the buyer and the seller,the buyer may issue a request to purchase a specified amount of goods. 订货是买卖双方经过系列磋商后,买方向卖方发出订购一定数量货物的请求。 A formal order should contain:name and article number,quality and specifications,quantity,delivery,unit price and total amount,terms of payment,etc. 正式的订单一般包括:商品的名称、货号、质量、规格、数量、交货条件、单价、总额和支付条件等。 Tips on Negotiating A Sample Business Contract Date(日期): Contract No.(合同号): The Buyer(买方): The Seller(卖方): Tips on Negotiating The Buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as stipulated below: 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品: This contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller,whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: 本合同由买卖双方订立,双方同意按照下述条款购买出售下列货物: Tips on Negotiating 1)Name of Commodity(商品名称): 2)Quantity(数量): 3)Unit price(单位价格): 4)Total Value(总价): Shipment quantity % more or less allowed(装运数量允许有%增减) 5)Packing(包装): 6)Country of origin(原产国): 7)Insurance(保险): Tips on Negotiating Tips on Negotiating 8)Time of Shipment(装运时间): Example: No later than_____.不迟于某天 Within a half Months After Receiving 90% of total contract value. 收到90%货款后半月内 9)Port of loading(装运口岸): 10)Port of Destination(目的口岸): 11)Marking/Sh


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