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YY语音交流频道 When you are behind, it can be overwhelming. It may feel like you will never be back on track. You might not be able to immediately get all your work done. However, you can always be catching up 。当你落后了,你会觉得工作难以应对,感觉像是 你永远无法回到正轨。你好像无法马上做完你的工作。然而,你总是可以赶上来 的。 Are you falling behind on your work? Do you ever find yourself behind? Too many to dos. Not enough time. So much work, that is feels like the flood of tasks will never stop 。你在工作中落后了吗?你是否曾经发现自己落后了呢?很多待办事 项。时间不够用。太多工作,好像如潮般的工作永远不会停止。 When you are behind, always be catching up. A little bit here and a little bit there. Productivity is not accomplished in one fell swoop. It probably took you quite a bit of time to get into your current situation; it’s going to time to get out of it 。当你 落后的时候,总是会赶上来的。这里完成一点,那里完成一点。工作效率不是一 下子就能实现的。你可能是花了一些时间才到你现在的处境,摆脱这种情况也需 要花时间。 Here are 7 Ways to Always Be Catching Up:七个方法让你赶上进度: 1. Stop Digging 停止挖坑 When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. Address the issues and behaviors that are causing you to not get things done 。当你发现自己 在一个洞里,首要事情是停止挖坑。找出那些造成你没有完成工作的问题和行为。 2. Clean Up Your Workspace 清理你的工作区域 Taking a few moments to clean up the mess can help you see your work and have room to actually do it. Don’t underestimate how your workspace affects your productivity 。花点时间收拾脏乱无章的工作区域,可以让你看到有哪些工作要做, 并且腾出空间来做这些工作。不要低估你的工作区域对你工作效率的影响。 3. Check Your List 检查你的待办清单 When you are behind, you stress about the things that are not getting done. Make sure you look at your todo list, so that you can address your highest priority tasks first 。当你工作滞后了,你会对没做完的事情感到很紧张。确保你看过待办


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