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Future Continuous Tense (将来进行时) Step 1 Lead in We are having a class now. We a class at this time yesterday. We a class at this time tomorrow were having will be having Step 2 The Uses of the Future Continuous Tense Start climbing Finish climbing 1.Toby will be climbing all next week. 将来的一段时间内会持续发生的动作 2. I will be singing at the New Year Party with my friends at 8:00 tomorrow night. 将来的一个时间点正在进行的动作 3. We will be flying to America on Friday evening. 4. You will be attending the College Entrance Examination from June 7th to 8th in 2017. 表示根据计划或安排在将来某一时刻或时间段正在进行的动作,此时一般有具体的时间状语。 Conclusion: 5. The weather report says that it will be raining when we arrive in London. 在口语中常表示预计将来 某时正在发生的动作。 6. Will you be visiting your uncle in London? 表示有礼貌地询问对方或 别人计划要做的事。 Conclusion: Conclusion: 在陈述句中用___________________形式。 1. This time tomorrow, I will be studying at school. 2. He is busy reviewing his lessons, so he will not be attending the New Year Party tomorrow night. Step 3 The Form of the Future Continuous Tense: will be doing Multiple choice: 1. Send for a doctor quickly, or the old man ______. A. will die B. is dying C. dies D. died Step 4 Practice: 2. Henry will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because ____. A. he must teach a class B. he will be teaching a class C. he teaches a class D. he will have been teaching 3. We ___ a basketball match at five tomorrow afternoon. A. watch B. will have watched C. can watch D. will be watching 4. --- What time is it? --- I have no idea. But just a minute, I ______ it for you. (2014 北京) A. check B. checked C. will ch


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