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第 3 1卷 第 2 期 测绘与空间地理信息 V o l. 31, N o. 2 2008年 4 月 GEOMATICS SPATIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY A pr. , 2008 伊文天 ( 内蒙古鄂尔多斯准格尔旗敖劳不拉矿, 内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017100) : 推证了三角高程计算高差的严密公式, 分析了用两 坐标反算的距离对高差计算的影响, 得出了高差较 大地区或投影带边缘测算高差时应当把高斯平面的距离化算到地面上的结论 : 三角高程; 电磁波测距; 高差 + : P221 . 1 : A : 1672- 5867 ( 2008) 02- 0164 - 03 Discussion on the Calculation Formula of Trigonom etric Leveling Y IW en- ian (A olaobula CoalM ine of Zhungeer Count in Eerduos of InnerM ongo lia, Eerduos 017100, China) Abstract: Th is paper deduc ed he r igorou s calcu la ion form ula fo r heigh d iffe rence by r igonom e r ic lev eling. I also analyzed he in fluence of he dis ance calcu la ed by he coo rd ina es of w o po in s o he ca lcu la ion o f he igh d ifference. F ina lly, i drew he conclu s ion ha w e should ransfe r he G au ss hor izon al d is ance o ground d is ance in he area w i h large he igh difference or he edge of projec ion s rip dur ing he calcu la ing of heigh d iffe rence. K e words: r igonome r ic leve ling; e lec rom agne ic w ave rang ing; he igh d ifference AB M B, 0 , h , AB 1 PM M , 0 , , , , , , , , , 1 1, A B , i , L, PE AF P A , 1, A, B h = BF = M B + i+ r - L ( 1) AB 2 , r= CE - MM = D ( 1- K), ( 2R 1 EB MM ), k 0 F ig. 1 The ca lculation form ula of height difference : 2007- 12- 28 : ( 1964 - ) , , , , , , 1988 , 第 2 期


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