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中韩贸易发展进程与中韩自由贸易协定   [摘 要] 中韩两国自由贸易协定的签署和生效,正是双边贸易健康发展瓜熟蒂落、水到渠成的结果。两国的发展进程主要可分为四个阶段。近年来,两国的进出口贸易结构已从初期的互补型产业间贸易,向垂直型产业内贸易转变。虽然韩国在电子产业领域具有较强的品牌和技术优势,但两国的差距在逐渐缩小,尤其是在半导体、船舶制造、机电等行业中,中国的技术水平已经和韩国十分接近,两国贸易不仅有互补性,同时也存在竞争关系。因此在新时期的高速发展阶段,如何正确处理两国贸易中因同质化而产生的竞争摩擦与纠纷,也是需要引起两国贸易主管部门重视的问题。随着时间的推移,人们会越来越清楚地看到中韩FTA将为两国经贸关系的进一步发展做出的贡献 [关键词] 中韩贸易;发展进程;自由贸易协定;结论 [中图分类号] F620 [文献标识码] A Development Course of Trade Between China and South Korea and the FTA Between the two Countries ZHANG Fan Abstract: A FTA between China and South Korea was signed and taken into effect, which is the natural result of a healthy bilateral trade development. The development course could be divided into four stages. In recent years, the trade structure has changed from complementary-type trades between industries to vertical-type trades inside industries. Although South Korea has a strong brand and technology strengths in the electronic industry, the gap between the two countries is narrowing, especially in semiconductor, ship building and electromechanical industries. China’s technology level in these industries is very close to those of South Korea, hence, the trades are not only complementary but also competitive. Therefore, in the new and the high-speed development period, to properly deal with the trade frictions and disputes caused by homogenous competition is an issue deserving the attention of the competent authorities of both countries. As time goes on, people will see the China-South Korea FTA work for the progress of economic and trade relationship between the two countries. Key words: trade between China and South Korea, development course, free-trade agreement,conclusion 中韩两国是“一衣带水”的近邻,文化相通,习俗相近,两国间的贸易本应发展得很早,很快,很大。但事实却并非如此,在20世纪70年代之前,中韩两国贸易往来十分有限,仅仅局限于通过香港、新加坡等第三地或第三国进行少量的间接贸易。中韩两国那时无法发展正常的贸易关系,其原因是人所共知的。上世纪50年代初的朝鲜战争和美国对中国大陆的经济封锁政策,是中韩两国发展正常贸易关系的最大政治障碍 1972年美国总统尼克松访华,使自新中国成立后中美相互隔绝的局面终于被打破。20世纪70年代末,邓小平同志高瞻远瞩,抓住机遇,促成中美于1979年1月1日建立正式外交关系。之后,中韩两国于1992年8月24日正式建立大使级外资关系。从此


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