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2010 仪 表 技 术 与 传 感 器 2010 2 Instrument Technique and Sensor No1 2 CAN ECU 吴 艳, 王丽芳, 廖承林 (, 100190) : 介绍了一种基于 USB 接口的 C N 总线数据采集和 ECU 标定系统, 该系统采用了 托罗拉 16位单片机 MC9S12DP256, USB接口芯片 PDIUSBD12和 C N接口芯片 82C250, 并借助 LabV IEW 软件开发平台实现了 C N - TO - USB, USB- TO- C N双向数据传输该系统同时具有 C N总线和 USB通信的优点, 具有良好的通信性能, 灵活的连接 特性以及高的可靠性, 可适用于很多场合的数据采集和标定文中以其在混合动力汽车网络中的应用为例, 阐述了系统 的总体设计思想及其层次结构, 并给出系统软硬件的具体设计方案 : C N; USB; LabV IEW; NI- VIS ;数据采集和标定 : TP336 : : 1002- 1841( 2010)02- 0057- 03 In-V ehicle CAN D ata A cquisition and Calibration System WU Yan, W NG Li-fang, LI O Cheng- lin ( In st itute o E lectrica l Engineering, Ch inese Academ y o Sc iences, B eijing 100190, Ch ina) Ab stract: C N bus data acquisition and calibration system based onUSB interfacewas introduced. The system adopted 16- bitm icroprocessorM C9S12DP256, USB interface chip PD IUSBD12 and C N interface chip 82C250 and LabVIEW sofwt are plat- form for the realization of the C N-TO-USB, USB-TO-C N two-way data transm ission. The system has specific C N bus and USB communication advantages of high-performance communications and flexible connectivity, high reliability, can be applied to many occasions of the data acquisition and calibration. U sing the system in network ofhybrid electric vehicle as an example, the paper de- scribed the overalldesign of the system, and presented ideological hierarchy, and also the designing process of the software and hardware. K ey w ords: C N; USB; LabV IEW; NI- VIS ; data acquisition and calibration 0 , C N C N , ,, C N , C N C N USB ECU C


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