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用英语解释下列句子中的划线的词,翻译这个词并翻译整个句子 (1) Liz withdrew $100 from her account. ① words explanation (English): draw money ② words translation: 取款 ③ sentence translation: 利兹从她的账户里取出了100元钱 (2) She withdrew a document from her briefcase. ① words explanation (English): take out ② words translation: 取出 ③ sentence translation: 她从她的公文包里取出了一份文件 (3) The drug has been withdrawn from the market for future tests. ① words explanation (English): revoke ② words translation: 撤回 ③ sentence translation: 这种药已经从未来的市场测验中被撤回 (4) We withdrew to the garden for a private talk. ① words explanation (English): retreat ② words translation: 撤退 ③ sentence translation: 我们退回花园为了进行私人的谈话 (5) The female deposits her eggs directly into the water. ① words explanation (English):store ② words translation: 储存,贮存 ③ sentence translation: 那些妇女把存储的鸡蛋都直接扔进了河里 (6) I’d like to transfer £500 into my current account. ① words explanation (English): shift ② words translation: 转账 ③ sentence translation: 我很愿意把500英镑转入你的活期存储账户里 (7) They’re transferring me to the Edinburgh office. ① words explanation (English): redeploy ? ② words translation: 调动 ③ sentence translation: 他们正把我调往爱丁堡办事处 (8) We are transferring production to Detroit. ① words explanation (English): transport ② words translation: 运输 ③ sentence translation: 我们正把货物运往底特律 (9) Self-help groups have proliferated all over London. ① words explanation (English): sharp rise ? ② words translation: 激增 ③ sentence translation: 自助团体激增以至于遍布整个伦敦 (10) The house encompassed about one hundred square meters. ① words explanation (English): covers ② words translation: 包括,占地 ③ sentence translation: 这个房子占地大约100平方米 (11) This is part of the process of converting iron into steel. ① words explanation (English): transform ② words translation: 转化 ③ sentence translation: 这是铁转化成钢的一部分过程 (12) If you subtract 10 from 30 you get 20. ① words explanation (English): minus ② words translation: 减去 ③ sentence translation: 30减去10得20 (13) Is the video hooked up to the TV? ① words explanation (English):connect with ②


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