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37 9 Vol. 37, No. 9 2010 9 CHINESE JOURNAL OF LASERS September, 2010 : 0258-7025(2010) 09-2190-08 中国半导体激光器的历次突破与发展 ( ) 王启明 ( , 100083) ; ; ; TN248. 4 A doi: 10. 3788/ CJ 2190 Breakthroughs and Developments of Semiconductor Laser in hina (Invited Paper) Wang Qiming ( State key Join t La or at ory f or In tegr at ed Optoelectr onics , In stitu te of S em iconductor s , Chin ese Academ y of Scien ces , Beijing 100083, Chin a ) Abstract Against the ba kgroundof the first, se ond andthird leaps in the field of semi ondu tor lasers, a thorough a ount and analysis is given on the major breakthroughs and developments of the semi ondu tor lasers in China. Key words China; semi ondu tor laser; breakthroughs; developments 1 Cr , 20 50 , GaA s , , , M aser 1962 1963 , , : GaAs P-N , , 1963 , ( ) , , ( Bell, La , , , IBM, RCA ) 1960 , , 1963 12 , : 2010-06-28; : 2010-07- 10 : ( 1934- ) , , , 1991 , 1970 , 5 , , 1 10 h , , , , , 1999 , 2001 1994 Si , Si Ge/ Si II Si Si , 9 : 2191 5 2 4 2 2 H ( 20 K) GaAs , 10 A/ cm 4 10 A/ cm , , , 5 W, 20 W 1970 , Bell GaAs/ GaAs P-N AlGaAs ( DH) , , P-N , , ,


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