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2013年3月30日托福阅读考题解析   第一篇:Agricultural Management in the Late Aztec society   版本一:   一个什么地区的农业问题。讲了农业上三个问题,假设是ABC吧。A是家庭就可以完成。B是灌溉,建设起来工程大,维护起来很费力,是政府介入的,几个城市还是分别独立的不影响。C是既有A的特点又有B的特点(这句话有改写题,改写成:C像B一样建设和维护起来很麻烦需要政府的力量,也像A一样后期可以家庭就可以实现不需要政府的力量)。   版本二:   第一篇:mesoamerica的农业,讲那个地方的人农业很密集,但都是各户耕种就足以自足了,后来又有政府神马的公众机构涉入,建造和maintain河道(好像是河道)   Aztec Agriculture   Farming provided the basis of the Aztec economy. The land around the lakes was fertile but not large enough to produce food for the population, which expanded steadily as the empire grew. To make more land suitable for farming, the Aztec developed irrigation systems, formed terraces on hillsides, and used fertilizer to enrich the soil. Their most important agricultural technique, however, was to reclaim swampy land around the lakes by creating chinampas, or artificial islands that are known popularly as 揻loating gardens.?To make the chinampas, the Aztec dug canals through the marshy shores and islands, then heaped the mud on huge mats made of woven reeds. They anchored the mats by tying them to posts driven into the lake bed and planting trees at their corners that took root and secured the islands permanently. On these fertile islands they grew corn, squash, vegetables, and flowers.   Aztec farmers had no plows or work animals. They planted crops in soft soil using pointed sticks. Corn was their principal crop. Women ground the corn into a coarse meal by rubbing it with a grinding stone called a mano against a flat stone called a metate. From the corn meal, the Aztec made flat corn cakes called tortillas, which was their principal food. Other crops included beans, squash, chili peppers, avocados, and tomatoes. The Aztec raised turkeys and dogs, which were eaten by the wealthy; they also raised ducks, geese, and quail.   Aztec farmers had many uses for the maguey plant (also known as the agave), which grew in the wild to enormous size. The sap was used to make a beerlike drink called pulque, the thorns served as



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