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e.g. A: I want to know where you live? B: well, which place of the town do you live? A: I live in… B: well, I live very near to you then. During the inserted sequence the original question retains its transition relevance, and if the second speaker does not then produce an answer. It is noticeably absent in exactly the same way as it would be. If there are not any intervening sequences, the question can complain about the lack of answer in exactly the same way. Adjacency pairs are normative structure, the second part ought to occur, and thus the other sequences are inserted between the first pair part that has occurred and the second pair part that is anticipated. 在这组对话中,QA 是一个毗邻应对, 而Q 1A 1 则是介于AQ 之间的一个插入序列。对于这种插入序列产生的原因,Nofsinger (1991: 61) 进一步解释说“受话人有时很难回答发话人的提问, 其潜在的问题是发话人的提问存在着某种歧义”。 例如:“A: How about your courses?” 又如:“A: At this point in the evening w e usually have some apple pie. ” Question for clarification serves to be somewhat a first part of adjancency pair。例如: (1)A:D id you enjoy the meal? (Q 1) (2)B:D id you? (Q 2) (3)A: Yes. (A 2) (4)B: So do I. (A 1) 在这组对话中,A 的第一话部(L ine 1) 与B (L ine 4) 的第二话部构成了一个提问—— 回答毗邻应对, 在这个毗邻应对中又插入了另一个毗邻应对(Q 2- A 2)。Cook (1989: 54) 将插入序列的毗邻应对结构总结为[Q 1 (Q 2—A 2)A 1 ]。 Insertion Pair 然而, 在实际会话交际中我们所遇到的现象并非总是请求—— 同意或提议—— 赞同, 正如Cook (1989: 53254) 所说的那样“发话人的请求很可能得到两种回应, 即接受或拒绝。”其他的毗邻应对也会出现同样的现象。Cook 曾列举了如下几则范例以说明这种现象的普遍性。 (1) Offer: Acceptance (preferred) Refusal (dispreferred) (2) Assessment: Agreement (preferred) Disagreement (dispreferred) (3) Blame: Admission (preferred) Denial (dispreferred) (4) Question: Expected answer (preferred) Unexpected answer (dispreferred) 1.插入的方法通常是含有打断别人的发话之意, 从而为自己获得发话机会。 2. 这种方法的语境是: 发话人B 预感到发话人A 已语尽词短, 或者B 认为A 没必要再如数家珍、道其详情,或者B 急于就某个观点发表己见。而其中任何一种情况都可能使当前发话人A 终止发话, 从而由发话人B 取而代之。 3.利用插入或打断的方法获得发话机会是一种常见的方式。受话人想发话而又难觅其机时可采取插入或打断的策略,尽管这种作法会被认为是鲁莽的。利用插入的方法获取发话的机会通常可通过相关言语实现, 例如:“