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Lesson 62 Affer the fire ;★control n. 控制 in control 在控制之内 under control 在控制之下,被控制 out of control 失控 controlv. sth. I can control it. =I can manage it. 我能对付(口语) under arrest n. 被逮捕 ;★smoke n. 烟(雾) full of smoke 充满烟雾 smokey adj. 多烟的(名词加-y, 变为形容词) smokey area 吸烟区 ; nonsmokey area 禁烟区 rain – rainy ; cloud - cloudy smoker n. 抽烟的人 heavy smoker 烟瘾重的人 ;nonsmoker 不抽烟的人 smoke v. 吸烟 Dont smoke! = No smoking! He smoked heavily. smoking area / smoking room 吸烟室 smoking apartment 火车上的吸烟车厢 cigarette = cigar n. 香烟 ;★desolate adj. 荒凉的 desolate adj. 荒凉的(与地方相连,表示无人居住, 荒无人烟的);极度孤独的(与人相连时) lonely adj. 孤独的,荒凉的,偏僻的(与地方连表示孤零零的,但并不表示无人居住) ★threaten v. 威胁的 threaten to do sth. 威胁着要做……(与人相连);有迹象表明…… It threatened to rain. 有迹象表明天要下雨了。 threaten sb. with sth. 以……来威胁/恐吓某人 The thief threatened him with a knife. The whole village is threatened with destruction. ;★evil adj. 坏的 evil = wicked adj. 邪恶的 ★reputation n. 名声 good reputation 好名声; bad reputation 坏名声 fame n. 名声(一定是好名声), 名望, 传说, 古传闻 famous adj. 著名的, 出名的, 口极好的, 令人满意的 ★claim v. 以……为其后果 claim = take 拿, 索取 claim可以表示(疾病、意外等)夺去(生命) The accident claimed a few lives. ;★source n. 来源 resource n. 资源(一次又一次的来源,re-又) reread vt.重读, 再读 sauce n. 沙司, 酱油, 调味料;vt. 调味, 使增加趣味(读音与 source相同) ★income n. 收入 rent v. 租,租借,出租;n. 租金 interest n. 兴趣,关心,重要性,影响,利息,利益,利害 vt. 使发生兴趣,引起……的注意 bonus n. 奖金, 红利 DINK-丁克家族 : D-double,I-income,N-no,K-kids kid n.哄骗,取笑,开玩笑,小孩,小山羊;v. 哄骗,取笑,开玩笑,欺骗 ;1、The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a cursed tree. There/名词主语/代词主语 +be said to do sth. 据说……(是对不太有把握的事发表看法时一种谨慎的说法) There is said to be a great deal of oil in Africa. Dan is said to be the most intelligent student in his class. It’s not as old as it’s said to be. 它并不像人们所说的那么古老。 it is said that… 据说…… It is said that he is very good. = He is said to be very good.


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