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  搜神后记·卷一原文译文解析 第一篇:《第一课原文译文》 [原译]Thinking as a Hobby 嗜好思索 by r. Houghton inded monologues about the good life, sexless and full of duty. Yet in the middle of one of these monologues, if a girl passed the ed to me ruled not by thought but by an invisible and irresistible spring in his nape. 豪顿先生喜欢发表关于美好的、清心寡欲、尽职尽责生活的独白。但是在发表这些独白的间隙,如果有个女孩经过窗前,灵巧的小脚发出轻轻的脚步声。他就会停下他的演讲,脖子不由自主地扭转过去,一直目送她走出视线之外。在这种情况下,我认为他不是受思想,而是受他后颈里某个看不到却无法抗拒的发条的控制。【搜神后记·卷一原文译文解析】 His neck e. Normally it bulged a bit over his collar. But Mr. Houghton had fought in the First r. Houghton think ysterious clairvoyance of childhood, that ost y teachers because this y introduction to the nature of only called thought. Through them I discovered that thought is often full of unconscious prejudice, ignorance, and hypocrisy. It orselessly tost businessmen#39;s golf, as honest as most politician#39;s intentions, or - to e near my oost books that get e to call grade-three thinking, though more properly, it is feeling, rather than thought. 我要对我的老师们进行详细的分析是为了介绍一下通常被称为思想的本质。通过他们我发现思考通常是充满了无意识的偏见、无知和虚伪的。在训诫无私的纯真的时候它的脖子却为了短裙而执意扭曲。从技术上而言,它娴熟如同商人玩高尔夫,诚实如同政客的意图,或者 ——更接近我自己的领域—— 有条理如同大多数写出来的书。这就是后来被我称作第三等级的思考,虽然事实上称它为感觉更为恰当。 True, often there is a kind of innocence in prejudices, but in those days I viept and an incautious mockery. a great truth in dealing iss lightly a mental process mense solidarity. inister talk about the great benefit erican politicians tal


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