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Project Validation and Verification, Pitfalls 项目审定和核证及应注意的问题 Susanne Haefeli-Hestvik Content 提纲 An efficient validation process 高效的审定程序 An efficient verification process 高效的核证程序 How big is the delivery/performance risk? 交付和运行的风险 What are the risks? 风险在哪里? How to manage the risks? 如何控制风险? Content 提纲 An efficient validation process 高效的审定程序 An efficient verification process How big is the delivery/performance risk? What are the risks? How to manage the risks? An Ideal Validation Timeline 理想的审定时间表 A Realistic Validation timeline 实际的审定时间表 Validation Process current 审定流程 Validation Process ideal 理想的审定流程 Content 提纲 An efficient validation process An efficient verification process 高效的核证程序 How big is the delivery/performance risk? What are the risks? How to manage the risks? The Actual Verification Work 实际的核查工作 VERIFICATION FINDINGS核查中事实调查 Consistency with monitoring methodology and monitoring plan 与监测计划和监测方法的一致性 Factors used for project emission reduction calculations 项目减排量计算所考虑的参数 Remaining Issues, CARs, FARs from Previous Validation or Verification 遗留问题,以往审定和核证中需要解决的 CARs,Fars Completeness of Monitoring 监测的完整性 Accuracy of Emission Reduction Calculations 减排量计算的准确性 Management System and Quality Assurance 管理系统和质量保证 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(认证报告) Table 1 Data Management Systems 表1数据管理系统 Table 2 Detailed Audit Testing of Risk Areas and Random Testing 表2 在有风险的方面进行详细的审计测试和随机测试 Content 提纲 An efficient validation process An efficient verification process How big is the delivery/performance risk? 交付和运行的风险 What are the risks? How to manage the risks? WHR (ACM0004) WHR (ACM0004) Wind (Large) Wind (Large) Other methodologies 其它方法学 Wind small: 90 (75)% ? 50% Hydro large: 91 (86)% ? 26% Hydro small: 61 (86)% ? 61% Biomass: 99 (89)% ? 71% Content 提纲 An efficient validation process An efficient verification process How big is the delivery/performance risk? What are the risks? 风险在哪里? How to manage the risks? Verification – ideal process 理想的程序 Verif



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