元件吃锡效果及PCB Layout关系.ppt

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PHOTO BY QC/ WONDER NOTED BY MED/ STEVEN KUO 元件吃锡效果与PCB Layout关系 Assembly SMT Process Flow SMT Process Flow SMT Process Flow SMT Process Flow SMT Process Flow Wave soldering Profile Machine setup and process characteristics IR Reflow Solder profile Vapor Phase reflow solder Profile Preheating To reduce thermal shock to PWB from solder wave To active the flux by heating it. To dry the flux which would otherwise boil during soldering, causing solder balls. To prevent the board warping during soldering. Stencil Key point of Process (1) Conveyor speed Boards pollution Dwell time Solder temperature Solder pot contamination Type of flux Flux contamination Flux foamed uneven Preheater temperature Solder wave uneven Components contamination Boards oxided Boards re-run Defective fixture Flux Blow-off (air knife) excessive Flux not making contract Boards not seated right Flux foamed low Flux specific gravity Key point of Process (2) Incorrect flux bubble size Improper board handling Solder wave turbulent Flux no longer active Pallet design Defective mask materials Internal planes (Multilayer) Large planes on solder side Pallet too hot Type of coating Board wrapped Flux Blow-off (air knife) not on Incorrect weight placement Misregistration of mask Base material (epoxy resin) Defect and Counterdefect Force Drawbridge Conveyor angle Solder joint fail SOLDER BUMPING: VOIDING 印刷電路板 方向不當 尺寸設計不良 未置於定位 有異物或受污染 受重壓 寬幅不當 保護層處理不當 印刷電路板或零件過期及儲存不當 重量分佈不當 氧化 破損 插件面設計不良 載重過多 變形 焊錫面設計不良 多層板內電路設計不良 印刷電路板 印刷油墨不良 過量印刷油墨 印刷油墨未稱位 抗焊印刷不良 抗焊印刷不夠 貼合層內有濕氣 不完全蝕刻 不良穿孔 空洞太大 環氧樹脂基材外露 環氧樹脂基材問題 零件 零件方向不當 零件受污染 零件披覆材質不良 零件散熱不良 零件腳長度 貫穿孔 貫穿孔/錫墊未稱位 貫穿孔內沾污油墨 貫穿孔印上油墨 貫穿孔留有粗糙邊 粗糙 與零件圓徑尺寸比率不大對 助焊劑 比重 失去效能 未潤濕板面 助焊劑受污染 發泡不正常 發泡太低 助焊劑發泡量不正常 發泡量太少 發泡過量 種類選擇錯誤 輸送帶 仰角 夾具設計不良 帶速度 微振現象 焊錫 波面不正常 波面有擾流現 波面有擾流現象 脫離錫液面太快 時間 液面水平高度 液面溫度 第二次再過焊 焊液雜質過多 錫渣過多 過錫方向錯誤 其他 不當之插件或裝配 夾具損壞 夾具過熱 插件位置不符 預熱溫度 過Wave solder時電解質電容容易遭熱氣上沖而Fail 電容易被熱氣沖壞 BGA LAYOUT: DOG BONS BETTER THAN TE


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