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Questions: Do you like pandas? Why? What’s the favorite food of pandas? Where are the mostly pandas in our country? New Words: Panda 大熊猫 Cute 可爱的 Bamboo 竹子 grown-up 成年的 Centimeter 厘米 Kilogram 公斤 Protect 保护 Translations for the Test: Pandas are cute animals. They live in the forests or the mountains and they eat bamboo for food. The grown-up panda is about from 120 to 190 centimeters tall. And its weight is about 85 to 125 kilogram. The skin of panda is black and white, it’s thick and soft. In fact, there is also a kind of brown pandas, but only five are left in the world. There are a few pandas all around the world, so we should protect them. Grammar: There be{is+单数名词} /{are+复数名词}表示“有”的意思,跟have同意,但是there be 句型在句中做主语。 For examples: (1) 桌子上有一只钢笔。 There is a pen on the desk. (2)我们班上有20个男生和20个女生。 There are 20 boys and 20 girls in our class. Homework: Please read the text clearly and fluently. Remember the new words and understand the use of grammar about There be. * *


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