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真题示例 A heroin addict, for instance, leads a __59_life. (2001) 59. A. destructive B. dissatisfied C. damaged D. derivative I worry about the destructive effect that violent films may have on children. Theyre selling off damaged goods at reduced prices. A. respectful B. Respected 1. “showing admiration for someone or something”, 2.“admired by many people for your qualities or achievements” A. He is a respected doctor in the hospital. B. Were so pleased to meet you at last, he said in a respectful tone of voice. C. The Victorians would have considered it “painful” or “unpleasant”, were one to point out that only four marriages out of every ten are anything but forced servitudes. 2. 虚拟语气倒装式理解偏差。 Had you come earlier, you would have met him Should it rain, the crops would be saved. 真题示例 …It is edifying, and it is a source of inner satisfaction even 54 other facets of life prove disappointing…. 54. A. shall B. will C. would D. should 3.短语前置,理解困难。 介词短语前置,形容词短语前置仅仅是为了强调和突出。同位语先行词(如evidence, fact, news, sign等)的前置是为了平衡句子。 真题示例 Faster than ever before, the human world is becoming an urban world. By the millions they come, the ambitious and the down-trodden of the world drawn by the strange magnetism of urban 46 .(200003) 46. A. way B. life C. area D. people 4.上下文切分错误,分不清句际关系与句子内部连接关系。 真题示例 …They learned to 51 their farming habits to the climate and soil. 52 they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving 53 , they invited their neighbors, the Indians, to join them in dinner and 54 of gratitude for the new life.(1998) 52. A. While B. When C. So D. If 真题示例 Other potentially pleasurable experiences are no longer possible, 55 under the spell of the addictive experience, his life is peculiarly 56 .(2001) 55. A. while B. thus C. even if D. for 5.词语修饰对象错误。 At the least you as students can hope to become__43__in subject matter which maybe useful to you in later


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