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英语科技文献的词汇特点与翻译 英语科技文献的词汇特点与翻译 Kirsten Qi Hebei University of Engineering 词汇特点 (一)新词层出不穷 Google Email Cybersurf Webzine Cyberphobia 3G GPRs bluetooth DSL Bioinformatics proteomics 计算机网络领域 YouTube把视频上传到网上 Cybersquatting 抢注域名 Net neutrality 网络中立性 Phish网络钓鱼 Cyber-interaction 网络互动 Webcasting网络播放 人力资源领域 HER电力化人力资源管理 HRM人力资源管理 E-recruite电子化招聘 Tele-office远程办公 Executive recruiters 猎头公司 Blue type 硬文化 Flextime弹性工作制 Green type 软文化 商务领域 Viral marketing病毒性营销 E-tailing 电子零售 E-journal 电子期刊 (二)词汇构成多元化 (1)借用 robot机器人 Cassette盒式磁带 Sputnik人造卫星 Brazilian pebble石英水晶 Xerox静电复印机 Diesel engine 柴油机 (2)compounding合成法 English technical terms formed by compounding generally take three forms: combining with a hyphen (e. g. salt-former 卤素, pulse-scaler 脉冲定标器) without hyphen (e.g. fallout 放射性尘埃, waterlock 水闸, thunderstorm 雷暴) two or more separate words forming a word combination (e. g. verbal translator 逐字翻译机, hover craft 气垫船, satellite antimissile observation system 卫星反导弹观察系统). Software软件 Keydrive键控 Hot-press热压 Drug-fast耐药的 Aci-fast耐酸的 Brain-trust智囊团 (3)blending混成法 This is a variant of compounding, omitting the latter part of the first word and clipping off the first part of the second word. Masstige=mass+prestige 大众精品 smog = smoke + fog (烟雾) ·telex = teleprinter + exchange (电传打字交换) ·gravisphere = gravity + sphere (引力层 ) · medicare = medical + care (医疗保险) · biorhythm == biological +rhythm (生物节律) (4)截断法clipping Wiki=wikipedia Auto=automobile lab=laboratory (5)缩略法Acronym An acronym is a word made up from the first letters of the name of something 。 · ADP automatic data processing 自动化数据处理 · AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome · GSV guided space vehicle 有制导的航天器 · RAM random access memory 随机存取存贮器 (6)类比 Arm Crane悬臂式起重机 Bridge crane 桥式吊车 Cable crane 缆式起重机 Spike dog 道钉 Stop dog 止动器 Watchdog密码识别软件 (7)派生 Affixation: It is the most flexible means of forming new words and its potential of creation is almost boundless bio-(生命、生物), thermo-(热), electro-(电), aero-(空气) carbo-(碳), hydro-(水


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