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上节课内容回顾 对言语节奏的划分,主要有两种: __计时节奏(stress-timed rhythm)和__计时节奏(syllable-timed rhythm) 2.__语中的每一句话都是轻重音交替出现。其中,__音为主体。 3.正常的英语言语交流中,每句话的__与__之间总保持着大致相等的时间距离。所以说话过程中就会用各种方法调整。 关于英语重音的发音练习 有两个句子重音的句子 1. Just ask. Ask him for a dog. 2. Please wait Wait for an hour. 3. Take mine. Take it with mine. 4. Go now. Go with him now. 5.Think hard. We were thinking for an excuse. 有3个句子重音的句子 1.Tom goes home. Thomson was going home. 2.Pat speaks fast. Pat was speaking at speed. 3.Sam works hard. Samson was working like a dog. 4.Waiters look smart. The waiters at the party were smart. 5. Jack dances well. Jack was dancing on the stage. 汉英语音系统在音渡方面的特点和差别 关于音渡(juncture) 音渡指谈话中语音衔接的方式和界限。 由于衔接方式和衔接点的不同,在一些情况下可以使语义不同,从而起到区别语义的音位的作用,所以“音渡”也可以被认为是一种超音段音位。比如: 有四个重音的句子 1.He wrote plays last year. He was trying to finish it yesterday morning. 2. Sue tried very hard. Susan was trying desperately to win. 3. Steve moved the books out. Steven was moving his books to the school. 4.Tell May to come early. I was telling Mr Mason to come to our class. 5. Dave won all the titles. David was winning most of the titles. 本节课的授课目标 汉英语在音渡方面的差异 英语的连读 that stuff 和that’s tough. 从音系转写的角度,两者是相同的。但说话时的一些语音变化能将其区别开来。 说stuff时,/s/的发音力度强,且/t/不送气;而说that’s tough时,/s/较弱,/t/送气。但是在快速说话的过程中,二者的区别可能消失,因此只形成潜在的对立。 开音渡和闭音渡 闭音渡:指一个词中没有停顿的音与音间的过渡。比如:syntax 开音渡:指一个词中短暂的停顿。该停顿通常用/+/表示,因此也叫 “加音渡”.(plus juncture) 比如: Wait till evening and make your call at the night-rate. It contains a lot of sodium nitrate. That type of pottery-decoration is called, after its discoverer, the Nye trait. 通俗的说法是:闭音渡之间没有,或者听不出什么中断(break)或停顿(pause);而加音渡则意味着两个音之间有中断或停顿。 关于“加音渡”的发音练习 A nice man ; an ice man Pea stalks; peace talks It sprays , it’s praise I laid; I’ll aid I scream; ice cream We’ll own; we loan Case said; Kay said Use park; you spark Why choose; white shoes How strained; house tranied 汉、英语在音渡方面的比较 汉语和英语的词、句虽然都是由音节组成,但在说话的语流中,音节与音节之间,词与词之间的衔接方式却不同。 在英语的谈话中,连续出现的


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