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摘 要 1 Abstract 2 1、前言 3 2、绪论 4 2、1汽车历史 4 2、2中冷器简介 5 2、2、1中冷器背景 5 2、2、2中冷器的作用 7 2、2、3中冷器的分类 8 3、设计分析 10 3.1设计任务分析 10 3、2 理论分析 12 4、中冷器设计 17 4、1 预备计算 17 4、2结构计算 18 4.3 热力计算 20 4.4 阻力计算 23 4、结论 26 致 谢 27 参考文献 28 摘 要 随着汽车技术的发展,涡轮增压系统开始应用的越来越广泛。中冷器作为涡轮增压系统的重要部件也得到了很大的发展。中冷器的形式有很多,管带式是在二十世纪八十年代末九十年代初期开始得到重视和研究的一种新型高效的中冷器。但是,由于管带式中冷器的发展时间还不长,自今尚无成熟的设计和计算理论。因为中冷器也属于换热器的一种,其区别在于中冷器的内部压力大,要求换热过程的压力降小,一般情况都是我们都是按照换热器理论来进行设计和计算的。 本文主要式对管带式空-空中冷器进行设计和计算。首先对涡轮增压系统和中冷器进行简单介绍,主要介绍了中冷器出现的背景、作用和分类;然后,根据设计要求,进行设计分析和理论准备;最后,对中冷器进行结构、热力、阻力的计算。 【关键词】:管带式空-空中冷器,设计分析,结构,阻力,计算 Abstract With the development of automobile industry, turbocharged system began to use more and more widely. charge air cooler system is the important as parts also got very big development. The form has a lot for charge air cooler, introduces the type is in the late 1980s in the early 1990s began to get attention and research of a new efficient charge air cooler. However, due to the development of introduces type charge air cooler is not long time. from today, there is no mature theory on the design and calculating. Because charge air cooler also belongs to a kind of heat exchanger, the difference between the internal pressure is charge air cooler heat exchange process, demanding the pressure drop is small, generally are we all is according to heat exchanger design and calculation theory. This paper mainly introduces type of direct charge air cooler on design and calculation. First to turbocharged system and charge air cooler implement simple introduction, mainly introduced the background, the function and classification of charge air cooler. Then, according to the design requirements, design and analysis and theoretical ready. Finally, the charge air cooler structure, heat, resistance calculation. 【Key words】:direct charge air cooler, design analysis, structure, resistance, calculation 1、前言 随着经济的发展,汽车工业也发生着日新月异的变化。现在,人们对汽车的要求越来越高,在高速舒适的同时,也追求经济环保。中冷器的出现正是在这样的背景下应运而生的。 中冷器一般只有在安装了涡轮增压的车才能看到。因为中冷器



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