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25 7 2008 7 : 1006 - 9348( 2008) 07 - 0113- 04 FDTD方法吸收边界条件的研究及应用 施亚妮, 李丽娟 (, 410082) 摘要: ( FDTD) , : M ur ( PML ) , PML, , PML, FDTD PML ( RCS) , FDTD(RCS) 关键词: ; ; 中图分类号: TP39 文献标识码: A Research onAbsorbingBoundaryCondition in FDTD Methodand ItsApplication SH I Y - n,i LI L i- ju n ( School of Com puter nd Communic tion, H un n Un iversity, Ch ngsh Hun n 4 10082, Chin ) ABSTRACT: The bsorb ing bound ry cond ition pl ys n mi port nt role in F in ite- D ifference T mi e - Dom in ( FDTD) m ethod to solve the prob lem of electrom gnetic sc ttering. The wt o bsorb ing bound ry cond itions in FDTD m ethod: Mu r nd PerfectlyM tched L yer ( PML), nd their perform nces re com p red nd n lyzed by using the re cursion lgorithm s in tmi e dom in nd sp ti l dom in. In dd ition, by introducing p r meters, the PML d ifference e qu tions re optmi ized to void c lcu l ting by ind ivid ing the electrom gnetic field, the pp rent dv n t ge is reducing the com puting costs. The expermi ent dem onstr tes th t the PML h s better bsorb ing perform nce. Fin lly, the r d r cross section ( RCS) of cylinder conductor is smi u l ted by FDTD m ethod w ith PML bsorb ing bound ry cond ition. The expermi en t l results show th t FDTD method is effective in the c lcu l tion of RCS. KEY ORDS:F inite- dfference tmi e- dom in( FDTD); Absorb ing bound ry condition; R d r cross section 1 引言 ( PML), , ( FDTD) , PML FDTD , , , , FDTD , PML , PML FDTD ( RCS) FDTD


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